This code and demo can be used for test purpose and understand howto HTML5 Notification API works.
Example using:
var result = Notify('Notification title');
// or
var result = new Notify('Notification title');
// The arguments can be a javascript object to specify the other optional notification options.
Notify('Notification title', {
body: 'Notification body text',
tag: '', //Tag name to overwrite previous message with the same tag name. Not used if empty.
icon: '' // Image URL to show with notification,
defaultClose: true, // Close the notification if onClick event occur and handler not set. Default: false. Note: this is default behavior for Firefox.
timeout: 5, // Timeout in seconds to close the notification. Set to 0 to disable internal timeout close functionality. Default: 5. Note: Firefox automatically close notification after 4s.
click: function(evt){} // The onclick handler. Default: empty.
// or the same with one arguments
title: 'Notification title', // Title is the only one required argument.
body: 'Notification body text',
This demo used a JQuery custum events for inform the notification permission changes and call the requestPermission() method. All event must be attached to the document object.
// The permission status is a string in lower case. Posible values: 'default', 'denied', 'granted'.
$(document).on('notification:permission', function(evt){
console.log('new permission is '+ evt.permission);
// Dublicate the internal notification event show, click and close.
$(document).on('notification:show', function(evt) {
// Close the notification;
$(document).on('notification:click', function(evt) {
// ....
$(document).on('notification:close', function(evt) {
// ....
// If the browser reject request permission on document ready you can manualy request permission bu show some UI element and add a handler.
$('#requestPermission').click(function() {