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WIP GameState
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balthaB committed Mar 28, 2024
1 parent 57fc81a commit de13052
Showing 1 changed file with 127 additions and 100 deletions.
227 changes: 127 additions & 100 deletions src/ch/epfl/chacun/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package ch.epfl.chacun;

import ch.epfl.chacun.GameState.Action;

import java.util.*;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ public record GameState(List<PlayerColor> players, TileDecks tileDecks, Tile til
private static final int HUNTING_TRAP_ID = 94;

* The id of the tile containing the logboat
* The id of the tile containing the log boat
private static final int LOGBOAT_ID = 93;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,18 +83,8 @@ public static GameState initial(List<PlayerColor> players, TileDecks tileDecks,
new MessageBoard(textMaker, List.of()));

private static Area<Zone.Meadow> outOfReachMeadowArea(Area<Zone.Meadow> meadow,
Area<Zone.Meadow> adjacentMeadowArea) {
Set<Zone.Meadow> adjacentZones = adjacentMeadowArea.zones();
// Create an area containing the meadows that are out of the pit trap reach
Set<Zone.Meadow> outOfReachMeadowZones = new HashSet<>(meadow.zones());
// Remove from the set of meadow zones the adjacent meadow zones
return new Area<>(outOfReachMeadowZones, meadow.occupants(), meadow.openConnections());

* Returns the current player or null if there is no.
* Returns the current player or null if there is none.
* @return the current player
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,7 +114,7 @@ public int freeOccupantsCount(PlayerColor player, Occupant.Kind kind) {
public Set<Occupant> lastTilePotentialOccupants() {
PlacedTile lastPlacedTile = board.lastPlacedTile();
assert lastPlacedTile != null;

Set<Occupant> potentialOccupants = lastPlacedTile.potentialOccupants();
potentialOccupants.removeIf(occupant -> {
Zone zone = lastPlacedTile.zoneWithId(occupant.zoneId());
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,44 +146,10 @@ public GameState withStartingTilePlaced() {
board.withNewTile(startPlacedTile), Action.PLACE_TILE, messageBoard);

* Determine the animals to be cancelled from a given meadow area.
* <p>
* If the number of tigers provided is 0, take the number of tigers in the given area.
* @param meadowArea the meadow area
* @param specifiedTigerNb th number of tigers that will eat deers
* @return the set of animals to be cancelled
private Set<Animal> determineCancelledAnimals(Area<Zone.Meadow> meadowArea, int specifiedTigerNb) {
Set<Animal> animals = Area.animals(meadowArea, Set.of());
// Find deers
Set<Animal> deers = getAnimalsOfKind(animals, Animal.Kind.DEER);
// Find tigers
Set<Animal> tigers = getAnimalsOfKind(animals, Animal.Kind.TIGER);
// Fix the number of tigers to
if (specifiedTigerNb <= 0)
specifiedTigerNb = tigers.size();
// Compute the number of deers to cancel
int cancelledDeersNb = Math.min(specifiedTigerNb, deers.size());
Set<Animal> cancelledAnimals = new HashSet<>();
// Remove from the deers set and add to the cancelled animals set the correct number of deers
for (int i = 0; i < cancelledDeersNb; ++i) {
Animal removedDeer =;
return cancelledAnimals;

private Set<Animal> getAnimalsOfKind(Set<Animal> animals, Animal.Kind kind) {
return -> a.kind() == kind).collect(Collectors.toSet());

* Manages all the transitions from PLACE_TILE.
* <p>
* Adds the given placed tile to the board, attributes the eventual points given by a logboat or a
* Adds the given placed tile to the board, attributes the eventual points given by a log boat or a
* hunting trap and determines the next action.
* @param placedTile the placed tile to add
Expand All @@ -205,38 +163,40 @@ public GameState withPlacedTile(PlacedTile placedTile) {
// Check if the given tile is already occupied
Preconditions.checkArgument(placedTile.occupant() == null);

MessageBoard newMessageBoard = messageBoard;
MessageBoard updatedMessageBoard = messageBoard;
Board updatedBoard = board.withNewTile(placedTile);
// Determine the nextAction
// The next action is RETAKE_PAWN if the placed tile contains the shaman and if the player
// has at least an occupant placed on the board
Action nextAction = placedTile.tile().id() == SHAMAN_ID
&& this.board.occupantCount(currentPlayer(), Occupant.Kind.PAWN) >= 1
: Action.PLACE_TILE;
// Check if the placed tile contains a hunting trap
if (placedTile.tile().id() == HUNTING_TRAP_ID) {
// Determine the adjacent meadows of the placed tile
Area<Zone.Meadow> adjacentMeadows = board.adjacentMeadow(placedTile.pos(),
(Zone.Meadow) placedTile.specialPowerZone());
// Determine the animals to cancel in the adjacent meadows
Set<Animal> cancelledAnimals = determineCancelledAnimals(adjacentMeadows, 0);
// Update the board with more cancelled animals
// Add to the message board a message indicating that points was scored with a hunting trap
newMessageBoard = newMessageBoard.withScoredHuntingTrap(currentPlayer(), adjacentMeadows);
// Check if the placed tile contains a logboat
if (placedTile.tile().id() == LOGBOAT_ID) {
// Add to the message board a message indicating that points was scored with a logboat
newMessageBoard = newMessageBoard.withScoredLogboat(currentPlayer(),
board.riverSystemArea((Zone.Water) placedTile.specialPowerZone()));
Action updatedAction = this.nextAction;
// Check if the placed tile contains a SHAMAN, a hunting trap or a log boat
switch (placedTile.tile().id()) {
case SHAMAN_ID -> {
// The next action is RETAKE_PAWN if the placed tile contains the shaman and if the player
// has at least an occupant placed on the board
if(this.board.occupantCount(currentPlayer(), Occupant.Kind.PAWN) >= 1) {
updatedAction = Action.RETAKE_PAWN;
// Determine the adjacent meadows of the placed tile
Area<Zone.Meadow> adjacentMeadows = board.adjacentMeadow(placedTile.pos(),
(Zone.Meadow) placedTile.specialPowerZone());
// Determine the animals to cancel in the adjacent meadows
Set<Animal> cancelledAnimals = determineCancelledAnimals(adjacentMeadows, 0);
// Update the board with more cancelled animals
// Add to the message board a message indicating that points was scored with a hunting trap
updatedMessageBoard = updatedMessageBoard.withScoredHuntingTrap(currentPlayer(), adjacentMeadows);
// Add to the message board a message indicating that points was scored with a log boat
case LOGBOAT_ID -> updatedMessageBoard = updatedMessageBoard.withScoredLogboat(currentPlayer(),
board.riverSystemArea((Zone.Water) placedTile.specialPowerZone()));
// Update game state
// Draw the top tile from the normal tiles deck
TileDecks updatedTileDecks = tileDecks.withTopTileDrawn(Tile.Kind.NORMAL);
Tile tileToPlace = tileDecks.topTile(placedTile.kind());
GameState updatedGameState = new GameState(players, updatedTileDecks, tileToPlace, updatedBoard,
nextAction, newMessageBoard);
// Get the next tile to place
Tile nextTileToPlace = tileDecks.topTile(placedTile.kind());
// Update the game state
GameState updatedGameState = new GameState(players, updatedTileDecks, nextTileToPlace, updatedBoard,
updatedAction, updatedMessageBoard);
// Check if occupation is possible
return updatedGameState.withTurnFinishedIfOccupationImpossible();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -291,8 +251,8 @@ public GameState withNewOccupant(Occupant occupant) {
* occupation is possible or with calling withTurnFinished on it otherwise
private GameState withTurnFinishedIfOccupationImpossible() {
if (freeOccupantsCount(this.currentPlayer(), Occupant.Kind.PAWN) == 0
|| this.lastTilePotentialOccupants().isEmpty()) {
if (this.lastTilePotentialOccupants().isEmpty()
|| this.freeOccupantsCount(this.currentPlayer(), Occupant.Kind.PAWN) == 0) {
return this.withTurnFinished();
return new GameState(
Expand All @@ -315,8 +275,12 @@ private GameState withTurnFinished() {
Set<Area<Zone.Forest>> closedForests = this.board.forestsClosedByLastTile();
// Determine the rivers closed by last placed tile
Set<Area<Zone.River>> closedRivers = this.board.riversClosedByLastTile();
// Update message board
// Updated message board
MessageBoard updatedMessageBoard = this.messageBoard;
// Updated list of players
List<PlayerColor> updatedPlayers = this.players;
// Updated board
Board updatedBoard = this.board;
// Attribute points scored by each closed forests
for (int i = 0; i < closedForests.size(); ++i) {
updatedMessageBoard = updatedMessageBoard.withScoredForest(closedForests
Expand All @@ -331,6 +295,8 @@ private GameState withTurnFinished() {
// Remove the occupants from the closed forests and rivers
updatedBoard = updatedBoard.withoutGatherersOrFishersIn(closedForests, closedRivers);
// The player can play again if he closed a forest containing a menhir with a normal tile
boolean canPlayAgain = this.board.forestsClosedByLastTile().stream().anyMatch(Area::hasMenhir)
&& this.board.lastPlacedTile().kind() == Tile.Kind.NORMAL;
Expand All @@ -348,7 +314,6 @@ private GameState withTurnFinished() {
// Update the list of players
PlayerColor currentPlayer = currentPlayer();
List<PlayerColor> updatedPlayers = players;
// Pass to the next player if the current one can't play again
if (!canPlayAgain || updatedTileDecks.deckSize(Tile.Kind.MENHIR) == 0) {
// Remove the current player from first position
Expand All @@ -363,13 +328,16 @@ private GameState withTurnFinished() {
: Action.PLACE_TILE;
// Return a new game state with updated parameters
return new GameState(updatedPlayers, updatedTileDecks, updatedTileDecks.topTile(nextTileKind),
board, nextAction, updatedMessageBoard);
updatedBoard, nextAction, updatedMessageBoard);

* Manages the attribution of the points at the end of the game.
* <p>
* -
* Attributes the points given by : <p>
* - the meadows, considering the presence of the wildfire or the pit trap.<p>
* - the river systems, considering the presence of the raft.<p>
* Determines the winners of the game.
* @return an updated game state
Expand All @@ -378,60 +346,119 @@ private GameState withFinalPointsCounted() {
MessageBoard updatedMessageBoard = this.messageBoard;
// Iterate over all the meadow areas
for (Area<Zone.Meadow> meadow : this.board.meadowAreas()) {
// Check if the meadow contains a wildfire
Set<Animal> cancelledAnimals = determineCancelledAnimals(meadow, 0);
// Check that the meadow does not contain a wildfire
if (!meadow.tileIds().contains(WILD_FIRE_ID)) {
// Determine the cancelled animals of the meadow
Set<Animal> cancelledAnimals = determineCancelledAnimals(meadow, 0);
// Check if the meadow contains a pit trap
if (meadow.tileIds().contains(PIT_TRAP_ID)) {
// Change the cancelled animals to optimize the points scored by the pit trap
cancelledAnimals = determineCancelledAnimalsWithPitTrap(meadow, this.board);
updatedMessageBoard = updatedMessageBoard.withScoredMeadow(meadow, cancelledAnimals);
updatedBoard = updatedBoard.withMoreCancelledAnimals(cancelledAnimals);
// Iterate over all the river system areas
for (Area<Zone.Water> riverSystem : this.board.riverSystemAreas()) {
// Update the message board withs points scored after checking the presence of the raft
updatedMessageBoard = riverSystem.tileIds().contains(RAFT_ID)
? updatedMessageBoard.withScoredRaft(riverSystem).withScoredRiverSystem(riverSystem)
: updatedMessageBoard.withScoredRiverSystem(riverSystem);

// updatedMessageBoard = updatedMessageBoard.withWinners();
// The set of winners
Set<PlayerColor> winners = new HashSet<>();
// The map of the players and their points
Map<PlayerColor, Integer> points = updatedMessageBoard.points();
// The maximum amount of points scored by one or more players
int maxPoints = Collections.max(points.values());
// Iterate over the map entries to find the winner players
for (Map.Entry<PlayerColor, Integer> entry : points.entrySet()) {
if (Objects.equals(maxPoints, entry.getValue())) {
updatedMessageBoard = updatedMessageBoard.withWinners(winners, maxPoints);
// Return a new game state with updated data
return new GameState(this.players, this.tileDecks, this.tileToPlace, updatedBoard,
this.nextAction, updatedMessageBoard);

* Computes and attributes the points given by a pit trap.
* Determine the animals to be cancelled from a given meadow area with a given number of tigers.
* <p>
* In order to maximise the points earned by the pit trap, deers that are not within range must be
* cancelled first.
* If the number of tigers provided is 0, take the number of tigers in the given area.
* @param meadowArea the meadow area
* @param specifiedTigerNb th number of tigers that will eat deer
* @return the set of animals to be cancelled
private Set<Animal> determineCancelledAnimals(Area<Zone.Meadow> meadowArea, int specifiedTigerNb) {
Set<Animal> animals = Area.animals(meadowArea, Set.of());
// Find deer
Set<Animal> deer = getAnimalsOfKind(animals, Animal.Kind.DEER);
// Find tigers
Set<Animal> tigers = getAnimalsOfKind(animals, Animal.Kind.TIGER);
// If the specified number of tigers is 0, take the number of tigers of the given meadow area
specifiedTigerNb = specifiedTigerNb >= 0 ? specifiedTigerNb : tigers.size();
// Compute the number of deer to cancel
int cancelledDeerNb = Math.min(specifiedTigerNb, deer.size());
Set<Animal> cancelledAnimals = new HashSet<>();
// Remove from the deer set and add to the cancelled animals set the correct number of deer
for (int i = 0; i < cancelledDeerNb; ++i) {
Animal removedDeer =;
return cancelledAnimals;

* Determines the cancelled animals of a meadow which contains a pit trap.
* <p>
* When a meadow contains a pit trap, the deer which are out of the pit trap reach must be cancelled
* in priority.
* @param meadow the meadow containing the pit trap
* @return an updated game state
* @param board the current board
* @return the set of cancelled animals
private Set<Animal> determineCancelledAnimalsWithPitTrap(Area<Zone.Meadow> meadow, Board board) {
PlacedTile pitTrapTile = board.tileWithId(PIT_TRAP_ID);

// The area containing the adjacent meadows
Area<Zone.Meadow> adjacentMeadowArea = board.adjacentMeadow(pitTrapTile.pos(),
(Zone.Meadow) pitTrapTile.specialPowerZone());
// The adjacent meadow zones
Area<Zone.Meadow> outOfReachMeadowArea = outOfReachMeadowArea(meadow, adjacentMeadowArea);
// The set of the animals of the hole area
Set<Animal> allAnimals = Area.animals(meadow, Set.of());
// The set of the animals which are out of the pit trap reach
Set<Animal> outOfReachAnimals = Area.animals(outOfReachMeadowArea, Set.of());
// The set of the meadow zones which are out of the pit trap reach
Set<Zone.Meadow> outOfReachMeadowZones = new HashSet<>(meadow.zones());
// Remove from the set of all meadow zones the adjacent meadow zones
// Create a new meadow area containing only the out-of-reach meadows
Area<Zone.Meadow> outOfReachMeadowArea =
new Area<>(outOfReachMeadowZones, meadow.occupants(), meadow.openConnections());
// The total number of tigers
int tigerNb = getAnimalsOfKind(allAnimals, Animal.Kind.TIGER).size();
int tigerNb = getAnimalsOfKind(Area.animals(meadow, Set.of()), Animal.Kind.TIGER).size();
// The cancelled animals which are out of the pit trap reach
Set<Animal> cancelledAnimals = determineCancelledAnimals(outOfReachMeadowArea, tigerNb);
// Subtract the number of deers which are out of reach from the tiger number
tigerNb -= getAnimalsOfKind(outOfReachAnimals, Animal.Kind.DEER).size();
// Subtract the number of deer which are out of the pit trap reach from the tiger number
tigerNb -= getAnimalsOfKind(Area.animals(outOfReachMeadowArea, Set.of()), Animal.Kind.DEER).size();
// Add the remaining cancelled animals from the adjacent meadows
cancelledAnimals.addAll(determineCancelledAnimals(adjacentMeadowArea, tigerNb));

return cancelledAnimals;

* Returns a set of animals of the given kind from a given set of possibly different animals.
* @param animals the set of different animals
* @param kind the kind of animal searched
* @return a set of animals of the given kind
private Set<Animal> getAnimalsOfKind(Set<Animal> animals, Animal.Kind kind) {
return -> a.kind() == kind).collect(Collectors.toSet());

* Represents an action that must be carried out for the game to progress.
Expand Down

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