Tested compatibility: Blender 2.90 -> 4.1
- Materials tool RVMAT Templates
- import-export:
- P3D:
- support for Underground (VBS) LOD type
- support for Groundlayer (VBS) LOD type
- support for Navigation (VBS) LOD type
- Collisions export option (handling duplicate LOD types)
- Generate Components export option
- LOD copy directives
- P3D:
- Validation tool:
- LOD - Generic ruleset:
- warning for more than 2 UV channels on a LOD object
- LOD - Shadow ruleset:
- warning for unconventinal LOD indices (not 0, 10, 1000, 1010 or 1020)
- warning if LOD has
lodnoshadow = 1
named property
- LOD - Underground (VBS) ruleset
- LOD - Groundlayer (VBS) ruleset
- LOD - Generic ruleset:
- Rigging tool:
- Add OFP2_ManSkeleton operator
- Debug add-on options tab:
- Preserve Preprocessed LOD Objects
- import-export:
- export processes will no longer start if the target file is in use by another application
- backup and temporary export files are now time stamped in the extension to avoid collisions
- P3D:
- handling of unknown LOD types has been improved (the Unknown LOD type can now be used to set any custom LOD signature)
- utilities:
- Find Components now only creates selections for closed components
- Vertex Mass Editing tool:
- Mass From Density now ignores non-closed components and loose vertices
- Rigging tool:
- skeletons and bones are no longer forcibly alphabetically sorted
- hierarchic bone order now has to be maintained manually, depending processed will not try to detect the hierarchy in a mixed order
- Colors tool was moved under new Materials tool
- Preserve Faulty Output add-on option was moved to the newly introduced Debug options tab
- Geometry LOD validation would falsely report not triangulated meshes
- P3D import would crash Blender if Proxy Action was set to Purge
- Find Components would purge all vertex groups under certain circumstances