- check leaked passwords -
- routes will show on swagger only if name starts with
- #[CurrentUser] attribute doesn't work, use
instead - symfony/symfony#40333
if we have api platform the csrf token should be generated from FE and added to headers. Let's create it when user logs in, save in the cookie and reuse. It will have few infromation set in:
- browser
- system
- ip
This should be enough to determinate when user suddenly changed and log him out. We will be also adding salted app secret for csrf.
We will be using symfony vault -
- can commit keys from config/secrets/dev/ on dev
- never commit private key - config/secrets/dev/dev.decrypt.private.php on PROD
- run prod with
APP_RUNTIME_ENV=prod php bin/console secrets:generate-keys
- script to periodically change security keys by
secrets:generate-keys --rotate
- run prod with
- To set new env:
php bin/console secrets:set [name]
To reset test DB and populate it new data use fixtures:
APP_ENV=test php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
make reset-test-env
We are using codeception (which is base on PHPUint)
- Verify for BDD assertions (you will probably have to go to the entity class because codeception changed names of the
functions -
) - php vendor/bin/codecept build
to generate methods after changing settings-
- create Api suit and replace url with your local url:
actor: ApiTester
url: http://api.boardmeister.local/ # <-- url
depends: Symfony
part: Json
- Symfony:
app_path: 'src'
environment: 'test'
- to run tests as www-data to avoid permission issues:
sudo runuser -u www-data make before-push
- symfony module
- to create tests you must run:
- For Unit:
php vendor/bin/codecept generate:test Unit Dir/TestNameWithoutTestAtEnd
- For Integration:
php vendor/bin/codecept generate:test Integration Dir/TestNameWithoutTestAtEnd
- For Api:
php vendor/bin/codecept generate:test Api Dir/TestNameWithoutTestAtEnd
- For Unit:
- To run tests:
php vendor/bin/codecept run
- To run detailed tests:
php vendor/bin/codecept run --steps
orphp vendor/bin/codecept run --debug
- To run with coverage:
DEBUG_MODE=coverage php vendor/bin/codecept run --coverage --coverage-xml --coverage-html
- To run only:
- Unit:
php vendor/bin/codecept run Unit
- Integration:
php vendor/bin/codecept run Integration
- Api:
php vendor/bin/codecept run Api
- Single test:
php vendor/bin/codecept run Integration SigninCest.php
or full pathphp vendor/bin/codecept run tests/acceptance/SigninCest.php
- Unit:
- Usefull knowledge:
is run before each test_after
is run after each tests (if there was no error)_failed
is run after each failed test_passed
is run after each passed test_inject
used for injecting services ( To skip test you can use
( - Similarly to controllers you can group tests and run groups (
use Codeception\Attribute\Group;
php vendor/bin/codecept run -g admin -g editor
- Instead of providers you can user Examples: (
#[Examples('/api', 200)]
- or if you need a function
- Generate JUnit XML output:
php vendor/bin/codecept run --steps --xml --html
- Assertion:
- $this->assertEquals()
- $this->assertContains()
- $this->assertFalse()
- $this->assertTrue()
- $this->assertNull()
- $this->assertEmpty()
- Exceptions:
- $this->expectException(ValidationException::class);
- $this->expectExceptionMessageMatches('#Nieprawidłowy typ marki#');
To suppress warning use @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.[warning name])
php vendor/bin/phpmd src text phpmd.xml
php vendor/bin/phpmd tests text phpmd.xml
php vendor/bin/phpstan analyse src tests
To ignore single error use:
- @phpstan-ignore-line
- @phpstan-ignore-next-line
To ignore a batch of errors considers reading and
updating ./phpstan.neon
Known errors:
Could not write file: /tmp/phpstan/resultCache.php (file_put_contents(/tmp/phpstan/resultCache.php): Failed to open stream: Permission denied)
If you have previously run analysis as not current user that cache directory might have wrong owner. Change the owner to current user, and it should be fine
vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --verbose
Config options -
To ignore:
- file:
// phpcs:ignoreFile
- single error:
// phpcs:disable PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore
- to disable and enable:
// phpcs:disable // phpcs:enable
- single line:
// phpcs:ignore
more at
To suppress warning @psalm-suppress InvalidReturnType
Known problems: Can't create cache dir:
Uncaught RuntimeException: PHP Error: mkdir(): Permission denied in /var/www/html/boardmeister_internal/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Config.php:2210 for command with CLI args "vendor/bin/psalm --taint-analysis" in /var/www/html/boardmeister_internal/vendor/vimeo/psalm/src/Psalm/Internal/ErrorHandler.php:75
if you are running commands as a www-data then make sure that /var/www/.cache directory is created and www-data is an owner of it.
Ubuntu - update-alternatives --config php
in php.ini change bcmath.scale to 2
- symetric algorith
- 256 bits symmetric keys and at lease 2048 bits RSA keys
- additional in key:
- kid: A unique key ID
- use: indicates the usage of the key. Either sig (signature/verification) or enc (encryption/decryption).
- alg: the algorithm allowed to be used with this key.
- Key rotation - once a week
- Token payload
- as small as possible
- have:
- jti - unique identifier
- exp: expiration time
- iat: issuance time
- nbf: validity point in time.
- iss (issuer)
- aud (audience)
- When using encrypted tokens, the claims iss and aud should be duplicated into the header
- Unserialize the token
- For each signature/recipient (may be possible when using the Json General Serialization Mode):
- Check the complete header (protected and unprotected)
- Verify the signature (JWS) or decrypt the token (JWE)
- Check the claims in the payload (if any)
If an error occurred during this process, you should consider the token as invalid.
Header parameters have to be checked. You should at least check the alg (algorithm) and enc (only for JWE) parameters. The crit (critical) header parameter is always checked.
We wanna use nested tokens to signature and encrypt token -