Create a weather app that displays weather based on the user's current location and display todays forecast.
It is entirely up to you how you design the interface as well as how much weather information is shown and how many different screens or transitions.
We are looking for a nice native user experience as well as good code.
To obtain weather information, there is a public API available from and full documentation is available at Feel free to browse the api and use it to your full disposal.
If an openweathermap API key is required, you can use one that we have already created
API Key: ff287173dfc02d8de3aad212143202e1
The only requirement in using the openweathermap API is to use JSON format.
- Custom animation of any sort to demonstrate transitions
- Display a 3 or 5 day forecast
- Ability to save favourite cities
- Integration with a public API
- An elegant, informative and simple to use app
- The application must run on Android v5
- The application must be able to compile and run on the emulator
- Unit/Integration tests
- Fork this repository
- Create your Android app in your repostiory
- When you're happy, create a pull request on this repostitory.
- Provide a readme which details:
- a short description of the app and what you have made, what libraries you may have used or any comments you wish to add
- The time you spent on the project.
- If you ran out of time, but would have liked to implemented certain features, tell us why