Fletnix is a site where allow anyone inside your local internet to watch your saved movies from your browser
Fletnix use Django as a backend and scrape all the informations with python requests and BeatifulSoup4 libs from TMDB, Javascript Vanilla to manipulate the DOM and Bootstrap 5 (Planning to integrate VueJS)
- Work with MP4 files and Youtube links and embed links
- Display summary, cover and cast
- Template inspirate by Netflix
- API available, but you can change whatever you want to
- Clone the project
- Create a Virtual env
- Run pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run python manage.py migrate
- Run python manage.py runserver
- Run ifconfig to know what it is your local ip address exxample:
- Add your local ip address on ALLOWED_HOSTS in settings.py
- Install Apache
- Go to your Apache folder '/var/www/'
- Give admin permissions to your a Apache folder
- Create a new folder inside like '/var/www/movies'
- Add your movies to library on menu "actions"
- Search by the name of movie that you want add
- Pick it up one of those
- Add a URL using the follow address
- your machine local ip address
- followed by the folder where it is your file like
If you are not sure where it is your files, bur you already installed Apache just type your local ip address your browser + your movie folder like this
Do not use for commercial purpose