- Using the dataset we do EDA and find a suitable model
- The model turn out to be random forest
- aplying train test spilt on the dataset
- Model is fit on training data following eda for observation
- Then model is fit on out of sample data or testing data
- In the backend we make a form that accepts parameters from users
- These parameters are passed in an array
- The model is pickled and passed to the backend.
- the pkl model is fit on the array and prediction is rendered to html file.
- here we put a condition case that if predition is this then render this result.
- The HTML and CSS files are binded in the backend itself
- ML model ===>>> Scikit Learn
- Backend ===>>> Flask(Python)
- Frontend ===>>> HTML & CSS
Shoutout and credits to Anuj Vyas who also deployed this project on heroku, do check out his profile