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Cell Multiplexing with cellranger multi

Here we will check how to do the preprocession analysis of Cell Multiplexing data, which is you will have different samples in the same library, you can know more information from here []


1- Get lims script

2- Copy files to accecable directory

3- Generate fastq path script

4- Create metadata Create_Metadata.R

5- Copy fastqs and Create cell ranger job

6- Create config.csv file

7- Copy the reports of web_summary.html

First I assume we are in /home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects, we will need to create the subproject directory and jobs directory to save everything in those directories

mkdir subproject
mkdir subproject/jobs
cd subproject

Step 1 LIMS information

In this step we are calling all of the information related to the subproject to use it in the next steps, the only differencess between this script and other scritis the name of generated file "lims_info_"$1".txt", this will generate "lims_info_subproject.txt" instead of "lims_info.txt"

nano projects/scripts/cell_multiplex_scripts/

# Get information for each library (flow cell, lane, sample id, etc.)
# $1  needs to be the name of the project
/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/scripts/cell_multiplex_scripts/ -sp $1 | sed 's/;/\t/g' > "lims_info_"$1".txt"

echo "Created LIMS information file: lims_info.txt"
chmod +x
./../scripts/cell_multiplex_scripts/ subproject

Reomve anything didn't pass the QC in LanePassFail

# Remove any fail file in LanePassFail column 
awk -F'\t' -v column="LanePassFail" 'BEGIN {OFS=FS} NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == column) col=i} $col != "fail"' lims_info_DOLSORI_06.txt > tmp_file && mv tmp_file lims_info_DOLSORI_06.txt

Step 2 Copy files to accecable directory This is very important to people don't have access to read the FASTQ files in proudaction team directory, this file is generating the original fastq path in proudaction and copy them to accecable directory you select it when you run the script. the script in /scratch_isilon/groups/singlecell/shared/projects/copy_files/ and this is what it is contain:


# Step 1: Execute the script and save the output to lims_info.txt
sh /scratch_isilon/groups/singlecell/shared/projects/copy_files/scripts/ "$1"

# Step 2: Activate the desired conda environment
source /scratch/groups/hheyn/software/anaconda3/bin/activate cellranger

# Step 3: Run the script and generate the file
python /scratch_isilon/groups/singlecell/shared/projects/copy_files/scripts/ --info_file lims_${1}.txt --subproject "$1"

# Step 3: Specify the target directory where you want to copy the files
[ -w "$2" ] && echo "You have permission to target directory" || echo "You do not have permission to target directory"

# Step 4: Check if file exists and copy the files
if [ -f "./" ]; then
    while IFS=$'\t' read -r -a fields; do
        # Extract the path from the second column (index 1)

        # Copy the file to the target directory using rsync
        rsync -avL "$path" "$target_directory"
    done < "./"
    echo " file not found."

# Step 5: Change permissions of the target directory
chmod g+rwx "$2"

# Step 6: Deactivate conda env
source /scratch/groups/hheyn/software/anaconda3/bin/deactivate

To run this script you just need to write this:

sh /scratch/devel/pnieto/scripts/ DOLSORI_05 /scratch_isilon/groups/singlecell/shared/projects/copy_files/fastq_dir

DOLSORI_05 here is the subproject and /scratch_isilon/groups/singlecell/shared/projects/copy_files/fastq_dir is the target directory to copy the files too

Step3 Generate fastq path

Perfect! since we have nowall FASTQs in fastq_dir now we will generate the FASTQ path pf the new directory for our subproject, we will use this path for next script to create symbolic link in jobs directory for each sample . Since we changed the structure of the path here there is some changes in the script, first we changed where is the fastqs and second we changed the structure of creationg the path, and that is it:

1- fastq_path = "/scratch_isilon/groups/singlecell/shared/projects/copy_files/fastq_dir" change the path from production dir which we don't have permession to fastq_dir which is we have permession

2 - fastq_path_r1 = "{}/{}{}{}1.fastq.gz".format(fastq_path, fc, lane, index) fastq_path_r2 = "{}/{}{}_{}_2.fastq.gz".format(fastq_path, fc, lane, index)

This is the script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Writes fastq path by arranging proper flowcell, lane, index and read for a set of libraries

# Load packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import argparse

# Define command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "options to transfer feature-barcodes matrices from cluster to lcal")
                    dest = "subproject",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Subproject we are working on (i.e. BCLLATLAS_10)")
                    dest = "info_file",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Tab-delimited file with the information of Illumina sequence of libraries for that subproject")

options = parser.parse_args()
subproject = options.subproject
info_file = options.info_file

# Read file
lims = pd.read_csv(info_file, sep = "\t", header = 0)

# Assemble fastq paths combining flowcell, lane and index
fastq_path = "/scratch_isilon/groups/singlecell/shared/projects/copy_files/fastq_dir"
fastq_path_list_r1 = []
fastq_path_list_r2 = []
for idx in lims.index:
    fc = lims.loc[idx, "flowcell"]
    lane = lims.loc[idx, "lane"]
    index = lims.loc[idx, "index"]
    fastq_path_r1 = "{}/{}_{}_{}_1.fastq.gz".format(fastq_path, fc, lane, index)
    fastq_path_r2 = "{}/{}_{}_{}_2.fastq.gz".format(fastq_path, fc, lane, index)
library_id_l = list(lims["id"].append(lims["id"]))
p_l = "P" * len(fastq_path_list_r1)
indx_l = list(range(1, len(fastq_path_list_r1) + 1))
pair_id = [p_l[x] + str(indx_l[x]) for x in range(len(indx_l))]
fastq_path_l = fastq_path_list_r1
read_l = (["R1"] * lims.shape[0]) + (["R2"] * lims.shape[0])
fastq_dict = {"library_id":library_id_l, "fastq_path":fastq_path_l, "read":read_l, "pair_id":pair_id}
fastq_df = pd.DataFrame(fastq_dict)

fastq_df.to_csv("".format(subproject), header = True, index = False, sep="\t")

To run this script you need to pass the lims info from STEP1 and the subproject

python ../scripts/cell_multiplex_scripts/ --subproject  DOLSORI_05 --info_file lims_info_DOLSORI_05.txt

Step 4 Cretae metadata

Path = "../Downloads/"
Files = list.files(paste0(Path), pattern = "lims_info_DOLSORI")
All_Files = list()
metadata = list()
for (i in seq_along(Files)) {
  All_Files[[i]] = read.table(paste0(Path, Files[i]), sep = "\t", header = T)
  metadata[[i]] = data.frame(subproject = All_Files[[i]]$subproject, gem_id = All_Files[[i]]$SampleName,
                             library_id = All_Files[[i]]$id, library = All_Files[[i]]$library,
                             type = "not_hashed",donor_id = All_Files[[i]]$SampleName, flowcell = All_Files[[i]]$flowcell,
                             lane = All_Files[[i]]$lane, index = All_Files[[i]]$index)
  metadata[[i]]$gem_id = str_replace_all(string = metadata[[i]]$gem_id, pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_")
write.csv(metadata[[1]],paste0("../Downloads/DOLSORI_05.csv"), row.names = F)

STEP 5 symlinks and Cellranger creation

This script is create the subdirectory for each gem_id, create the symbolic links for fastqs for each gem_id and create the job file for multi cellranger , most important thing changed in this script is the job mode templet to run cell ranger to work with the new cluster which is this one /scratch/groups/singlecell/software/cellranger/6.1.1/external/martian/jobmanagers/new_cluster/slurm.template

# This script initializes the filesystem of this project:
# It creates a "jobs" folder which contains as many subdirectories as samples it has
# For each sample directory, it creates the following files/folders:
# 1. fastq: dir with the symlinks pointing to the fastq files
# 2. log: dir which contains standard error and output of cellranger
# 3. (sample_id).cmd: job script to compute the features-barcode matrix using cellranger

# Import required packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import re
import sys
import config_vars as cfg
from utils import *

# Define command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "options to initialize the filesystem and scripts of this project")
                    dest = "subproject",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Subproject we are working on (i.e. BCLLATLAS_10)")
                    dest = "gem_id",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Gel Beads in Emulsion id")
                    dest = "verbose",
                    action = "store_true",
                    default = False,
                    help = "Print log in standard error")
                    dest = "metadata",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Metadata csv file for the tonsil atlas project")
                    dest = "fastq_paths",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "File that contains the paths of the fastqs for the subproject libraries")

def create_fastq_symlink_nh(gem_id, fastq_path_df, symlink_path):
    """Creates a symbolic link pointing to a fastq file using cellranger notation

      gem_id: identifier of the Gelbeads-in-Emulsion (GEM) well that will be used as prefix in the symlink
      fastq_path_df: pandas dataframe with the fastq paths for that gem_id
      symlink_path: string specifying where to create the symlinks

    pair_ids = np.unique(fastq_path_df["pair_id"])
    for i in range(len(pair_ids)):
        filt = (fastq_path_df["pair_id"] == pair_ids[i])
        pair_df = fastq_path_df.loc[filt, :]
        for j in pair_df.index:
            fastq_path = pair_df.loc[j, "fastq_path"]
            lane = str(i + 1)
            read = pair_df.loc[j, "read"]
            read = read.replace("R", "")
  ["ln", "-s", fastq_path, "{}/{}_S1_L00{}_R{}_001.fastq.gz".format(symlink_path, gem_id, lane, read)])

def make_cellranger_nh(gem_id, jobscript_path, fastq_path, expected_cells):
    """Creates a cellranger script for a non-hashed GEM well

      gem_id: identifier of the Gelbeads-in-Emulsion (GEM) well that will be used as prefix in the symlink
      jobscript_path: path to save the jobscript
      fastq_path: path to the fastq files
      expected_cells: expected number of high-quality cells in this experiment

    job_script_file = open("{}/{}.cmd".format(jobscript_path, gem_id), "w")
    job_script = """#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --job-name={}

#SBATCH --mail-type=all        # send email when job begins, ends, or fails
#SBATCH [email protected]

#SBATCH --output=%x.slurm.%J.out        # define where our output and error from the job will be stored
#SBATCH --error=%x.slurm.%J.err

#SBATCH --time=11:00:00 # set a maximum time that the job will take HH:MM:SS (process will be terminated after this is reached)

#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --qos=normal
#SBATCH --partition=genD
#SBATCH --mem=32G

echo [`date "+%Y-%m-%d %T"`] started job on $HOSTNAME


{} multi --id {} --csv config.csv  --jobmode /scratch/groups/singlecell/software/cellranger/6.1.1/external/martian/jobmanagers/new_cluster/slurm.template;
""".format(gem_id, cfg.cellranger_path, gem_id)

options = parser.parse_args()
subproject = options.subproject
gem_id = options.gem_id
metadata_path = options.metadata
fastq_paths = options.fastq_paths

# Read data
project_dir = "/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/{}".format(subproject)
fastq_path_df = pd.read_csv(fastq_paths, sep = "\t", header = 0)
metadata_df = pd.read_csv(metadata_path, sep = ",", header = 0)
if options.verbose:
    sys.stderr.write("Files read successfully!\n")

# For each sample, create directories and jobscript
if not os.path.exists("{}/jobs".format(project_dir)):
filt = (metadata_df["gem_id"] == gem_id)
metadata_df = metadata_df.loc[filt]

# Create directories
subproject_dir = "{}/jobs/{}".format(project_dir, gem_id)
fastq_dir = "{}/fastq".format(subproject_dir)
log_dir = "{}/log".format(subproject_dir)
for direct in [subproject_dir, fastq_dir, log_dir]:
    if not os.path.exists(direct):

# Define variables and subset dataframes
library_id = metadata_df.loc[filt, "library_id"]
fastq_sub_df = fastq_path_df.loc[fastq_path_df["library_id"].isin(library_id), :]
type = metadata_df["type"]
type = type.values[0]

# Create symmlinks to fastq files
create_fastq_symlink_nh(gem_id, fastq_sub_df, fastq_dir)
# Create cellranger script
fastq_dir_abs = "{}{}".format(cfg.project_path, fastq_dir)
make_cellranger_nh(gem_id, subproject_dir, fastq_dir_abs, 5000)
python ../scripts/cell_multiplex_scripts/  --subproject DOLSORI_05 --fastq_paths --metadata DOLSORI_05.csv --gem_id Plex6_1

STEP 6 Create config file

This is very important fro Cell Multiplexing and contains all of the information cellranger need to work, to create ths file we ned to have file like ths correlate the gem_ids we have with the CMOs in the library, the file should be looks like this:


The most important column is CMO_id, sample_id and gem_ids, for each experemnets wet lab people should share with you the information of CMO_ids and sample_ids and after that you can create this file to pass it to this script.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
import pandas as pd
import csv

# Get the input file and gem_id from command-line arguments
input_file = sys.argv[1]
gem_id = sys.argv[2]

# Specify the output file path and name
output_file_path = "/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/DOLSORI_05/jobs/{}/config.csv".format(gem_id)

# Read the CSV file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_csv(input_file)

# Filter the DataFrame based on the gem_id value
filtered_df = df[df['gem_id'] == gem_id]

# Update the 'fastq_id' column with the gem_id value
filtered_df['fastq_id'] = gem_id

# Data for the [gene-expression] section
gene_expression_data = [
    ['reference', '/scratch/groups/singlecell/data/reference/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A'],
    ['cmo-set', '/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/data/CMO_reference.csv'],
    ['expect-cells', '30000'],
    ['chemistry', 'SC3Pv3'],
    ['no-secondary', 'true'],
    ['no-bam', 'false']

# Data for the [libraries] section
libraries_data = [
    ['fastq_id', 'fastqs', 'feature_types'],
    [gem_id, '/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/DOLSORI_06/jobs/{}/fastq'.format(gem_id), 'Multiplexing Capture'],
    [gem_id, '/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/DOLSORI_05/jobs/{}/fastq'.format(gem_id), 'Gene Expression']

# Data for the [samples] section
samples_data = [
    ['sample_id', 'cmo_ids'],
] + filtered_df[['sample_id', 'CMO_id']].values.tolist()

# Open the file in write mode
with open(output_file_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
    # Create a CSV writer object
    writer = csv.writer(file)

    # Write the [gene-expression] section to the CSV file

    # Add an empty line between sections

    # Write the [libraries] section to the CSV file

    # Add an empty line between sections

    # Write the [samples] section to the CSV file

print('CSV file created successfully at {}'.format(output_file_path))

This script generate file called config.csv for each gm_id in it's subdirctory, it takes the CMO information and the gem_id and save the csv file as config.csv in the job directory.

NOTE: the config file should contain CMO_refernce.csv file, this file is refernce of each CMO in any experements we have in our lab, since it is same for all experements we put it in the config file becouse cellranger will need it, you don't need to do anything just change the path of this file in the script to your path of the file. In my case it is here /home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/data/CMO_reference.csv in your case change just the path, but the file should be the same, please don't confuse beteen this fle and DOLSORI_05_06_CMO.csv which is should be uiqe for each experement and CMO_reference.csv is the same for all experements

Run the script It takes gem_id adn CMO File

python ../scripts/cell_multiplex_scripts/ ../data/DOLSORI_05_06_CMO.csv Plex6_1

Step 7 copy outputs and reports

Now since we have cellmultiplexing for different plex and we have a samples in each plex, the out out of cellranger will be here "/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/DOLSORI_05/jobs/${gem_id}/${gem_id}/outs/per_sample_outs", we need to copy the reports for each sample in each plex with the wet lab, so we can use this script:


# Check if the number of arguments is correct
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <destination_path> <gem_id>"
    exit 1

# Extract the arguments

# Create the "reports" folder in the destination path
mkdir -p "$reports_dir"

# Define the base source path

# Get a list of sample folders
sample_folders=$(ls "$base_source_path")

# Loop over each sample folder
for sample in $sample_folders; do
    # Define the source and destination paths for the current sample

    # Copy the file
    cp "$source_path" "$destination_path"

    echo "Copied $source_path to $destination_path"

The script takes two arguments: <destination_path> and <gem_id>. It creates a "reports" folder within the <destination_path>. It then iterates over sample folders in a specific source path "/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/DOLSORI_05/jobs/${gem_id}/${gem_id}/outs/per_sample_outs". For each sample folder, it copies a file named "web_summary.html" to the "reports" folder, renaming it using the <gem_id> and the sample folder name. The script provides feedback by displaying the source and destination paths for each copied file. In summary, the script organizes and copies "web_summary.html" files from sample folders into a dedicated "reports" folder, with new filenames based on the provided <gem_id> and sample folder names.

To run the script you need this:

./../scripts/cell_multiplex_scripts/ path_to_copy gem_id


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