This repository is a collection of Python scripts and visualizations that explore a variety of advanced computational concepts. this repository aims to provide an interactive and educational resource for those interested in diving deeper into the world of advanced computation.
RSA encryption (
RSA encryption process using the Matplotlib library. The visualization simplifies the RSA encryption steps, key generation, encryption, and decryption, providing an educational overview of the process.
Fast-Fourier-Transform-FFT (
Widely used concept in signal processing and other areas of science and engineering, This script generates a signal composed of two sine waves, then uses the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to analyze the frequency components of the signal. The script uses the NumPy library for numerical operations and the Matplotlib library for plotting.
Hash-Table-Animation (
visually demonstrates how hash functions work and illustrates collisions in hash tables through animation. The animation provides a user-friendly way to understand the basic principles behind hashing and its impact on data distribution and collisions.
Mandelbrot-Set (
The Mandelbrot Set is a famous fractal in complex dynamics. This script generates the Mandelbrot Set by iterating through complex numbers and checking their behavior under the iterative process. It then uses the matplotlib library to visualize the Mandelbrot Set.
This one takes a while to finish as its a complex computation
Turing-complete-system-Rule-110 (
This repository contains a Python script that visualizes the behavior of the Rule 110 cellular automaton using matplotlib animations. The Rule 110 cellular automaton is a simple yet fascinating example of a Turing complete system, showcasing complex behavior arising from simple local rules.