git clone
cd mcash-ledger
In order to make compiling as eas as possible you can make use of a docker image containing all the necessary compilers and the nanos-secure-sdk.
Make sure you have Docker installed.
make sure to select the appropriate $BOLOS_SDK in Dockerfile
docker build -t ledger-chain:latest .
The .
at the end is important!
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/mcash-ledger -w /mcash-ledger ledger-chain make
Before attempting to load the hex file, make sure your Ledger Nano S is connected and the firware is updated to the latest version.
Enter your PIN and make sure you're seeing the Dashboard app.
[sudo] pip install -U setuptools
[sudo] pip install virtualenv
libudev1 libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev
virtualenv -p python3 ledger
source ledger/bin/activate
pip install ledgerblue
or pip install git+
If you run into errors here, make sure you have the required dependencies installed. See Ledger - Loader Python.
python -m ledgerblue.loadApp \
--targetId 0x31100004 \
--fileName bin/app.hex \
--icon `docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)":/mcash_ledger -w /mcash_ledger ledger-chain sh -c 'python $BOLOS_SDK/ nanos_app_mcash.gif hexbitmaponly'` \
--curve secp256k1 \
--path "44'/60'" \
--apdu \
--appName "MCashChain" \
--appVersion `cat ./VERSION` \
--appFlags 0x40 \
--dataSize $((0x`cat debug/ |grep _envram_data | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '|cut -f2 -d'x'` - 0x`cat debug/ |grep _nvram_data | tr -s ' ' | cut -f2 -d' '|cut -f2 -d'x'`)) \
--delete \
To get out of your Python virtualenv again after everything is done.
make load
See step 1 above.
See step 2 above.
python -m ledgerblue.loadApp \
--targetId 0x31100004 \
--fileName release/app.hex.0.1.1 \
--icon 0100000000ffffff00ffffffffffffffff3ff0bff70ff4aff52ff0effd0ffcffffffffffffffffffff \
--curve secp256k1 \
--path "44'/60'" \
--apdu \
--appName "MCashChain" \
--appVersion "0.1.1" \
--appFlags 0x40 \
--delete \
--dataSize 64 \
with the location and name of the pre-compiled HEX file.
with the version number of the pre-compiled HEX file.
with the data size of the pre-compiled HEX file.
See step 4 above.