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Checkoff - try it!



Here are some screenshots showing some of the app's features.

Login Screen

Login Screen

Tasks page with editor open

Tasks page with editor open

Draggable editor in Calendar

Draggable editor in Calendar

Command-slash menu

Command-slash menu

Light mode

Light mode


Tasks / Notes

Task list

With the list (now called check-list in the application) you can create, delete, sort, filter and search for tasks, both current and completed ones, as well as those moved to the trash.

Priority level

Create notes that can also be a task list, have the ability to set a priority level.

Server-side saving

Tasks are saved in the cloud, so you can access them from anywhere in the world!

Date and time

You also have the option of adding a date to the task, as well as the duration of the selected task.


The editor offers the so-called "command-menu", a set of "commands" that create different variants of text styles:

  • Plain text
  • Simple task list
  • Header in three sizes
  • Numbered list
  • Unnumbered list
  • Quote
  • Code

Additionally, you can edit each text element manually by selecting it and selecting one of the available options:

  • Type (same as "command-menu")
  • Link
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underline
  • Circle
  • Strikethrough
  • Change text color
  • Code


The ability to set the date is, of course, related to the calendar. The calendar allows you to change the date of a selected task (treated as an event), but also allows you to edit each event in the same way as you edit tasks, because the same editor is available here.



At this moment there are two themes in app

  • Dark mode
  • Light mode

Check both!


At the moment, the profile tab only allows you to change your login details, both email and password.


Can I log in without providing my details such as email or password?

Yes. I will provide my login details below. Note: This account may have been used by someone before as it is public. I am not responsible for content posted by third parties.

Login Credentials

Email: [email protected]

Password: demo

Is this already working? Is this only a demo?

This application is now working, although it may still have bugs and shortcomings. I'm still working on it!



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