This project involves the design of a central processing unit (CPU) capable of moving, loading, and manipulating data. The CPU features 8 registers and an instruction code format represented as OOXXXYYY
. The first two bits denote operations, while the remaining bits specify operands. For the move immediate operation, the entire code is considered a value in the second clock cycle.
- First Clock Cycle: Instruction Register (IR) is loaded with DIN when the IRin signal is high.
- Second Clock Cycle: Ryout flag selects the source register, and Rxin flag enables the destination register to move the data.
- First Clock Cycle: IR is loaded with DIN when IRin is high.
- Second Clock Cycle: MUX selects DIN, and Rxin enables the desired register to receive the immediate value.
- First Clock Cycle: IR is loaded with DIN when IRin is high.
- Second Clock Cycle: Rx data is loaded into temporary register A.
- Third Clock Cycle: Ry register's data is loaded onto the bus.
- Fourth Clock Cycle: ALU performs addition or subtraction based on the Asen flag, storing the result in register B.
- Fifth Clock Cycle: Rxin enables the destination register to store the result from register B.
The 1-bit ALU designed in previous labs is utilized to create an 8-bit ALU. This ALU is capable of performing addition and subtraction, with complementary operations represented in a truth table.
Figure 2: illustrating 1-bit ALU.
- The control circuit uses Boolean expressions derived from the truth table.
- The clock starts in the IR state, and clear signals are added for the first two instructions.
- A 2-bit counter resets at the 4th clock cycle.
- MUX Selection: Rxout as a select signal in the 2x1 MUX determines which register's data appears on the bus.
- Enable Signals: Rxin enables the decoder to decide which register receives data.
- An 8x1 MUX determines the selected register.
- Two 2x1 MUXes select between B and DIN inputs.
A custom "decimal" circuit with three ROMs is built to read register contents easily. This circuit decodes 8-bit numbers (from -128 to 127) into corresponding most significant, middle, and least significant bits, with a sign output indicating the number's sign.
- Components: 2-bit counter, A and B temporary registers, 8 memory registers, and an IR register for storing instructions.
- ROM for Instructions: An OR gate manages inputs to facilitate faster instruction loading, synchronized with clock cycles.
The CPU design demonstrates the functionality through a series of instructions to show the 1's complement of the value in register Rb in register Ra.
Figure 2: illustrating sub operation the architecture of the CPU.
- Load immediate values into registers.
- Move values between registers.
- Perform subtraction operations.
The functionality is implemented with 6 instructions:
- 2 move immediate instructions (4 clock cycles)
- 1 move instruction (2 clock cycles)
- 3 subtraction instructions (12 clock cycles)
A total of 18 clock cycles are used to achieve the desired functionality.
To use this CPU design, follow these steps:
- Load the provided instructions into the ROM.
- Set the appropriate clock signals to initiate the operations.
- Monitor the registers and ALU operations as described in the data path.
The CPU supports a set of instructions as listed below:
OP code | Operation and Operands | Executed Function |
00 | mv Rx, Ry | Rx ← [Ry] |
01 | mvi Rx, D | Rx ← D |
10 | add Rx, Ry | Rx ← [Rx] + [Ry] |
11 | sub Rx, Ry | Rx ← [Rx] - [Ry] |
Contributions to this project are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Ensure that your code adheres to the project's coding standards and includes appropriate documentation.