Using hotlite-launcher, you can run custom RuneLite builds with the official Jagex/RuneLite launchers even using jagex accounts.
This is done by swapping/adding jars on the classpath in the launcher before the client is ran.
There is a build config included in the launcher project but you must manually replace RuneLite.jar with hotlites in your RuneLite Launcher installation directory.
Because we use runelites official injected-client, we MUST maintain api consistency with the current live release of RuneLite.
hotlite-client provides a Build/Export run config to update a hotlite-client build for hotlite-launcher
If there is no exported hotlite for the current runelite release, a warning box will inform the user, and vanilla runelite will be launched instead.
Kotlin 1.9.22 support is bundled into the launcher/client.
Ethans API is bundled.
This repository holds the launcher for the RuneLite client.
If you have any questions, please join our Discord server or alternatively our IRC channel on #runelite.
RuneLite is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.