This thesis was part of the 2022/2023 edition of the CSE3000 (Bsc Research Project) course at Delft University of Technology.
This repository contains the source code for my bachelors thesis on correct-by-construction refactoring of functional code. It defines a small Haskell-like language (as a lambda calculus), a refactoring operation swapping out MaybeTy
terms to ListTy
terms and formally verifies that its dynamic semantic behaviour behaves as we would expect it to.
I use intrinsically typed syntax and big step semantics in the language definition. The type system and syntax are defined in Typesystem.agda. The big step semantics are defined in Semantics.agda.
The refactoring function is defined in Refactor.agda and the semantic proof in Proof.agda.
This project was edited and compiled originally on Agda version We make use of the Agda standard library version 1.2.
This source code is licensed under the MIT license. The full license text is available in the file