Documentation and HTML file to present large virtual raster in a zoomable browser window.
- Clip each raster in the mosaic and save as a separate .tif file
- In this GSheet, record the width and height (in pixels) for each image in the mosaic.
- Using the key (which provides instructions on how the sheets fit together in the mosaic) and the known widths and heights, determine and record the top-left pixel location (x and y) for each sheet in the stitched mosaic.
- Copy the gdal_translate command provided in Column F of the GSheet and run it in OSGeo4W shell (or normal terminal). Example:
gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_srs EPSG:3857 -gcp 0 0 0 -54546 -gcp 21551 0 21551 -54546 -gcp 0 13752 0 -68298 -gcp 21551 13752 21551 -68298 Sheet_1.tiff tmp_Sheet_1.tiff - the gdalwarp command provided in Column G of the GSheet and run it in OSGeo4W shell (or normal terminal). Example:
gdalwarp -overwrite -r bilinear -s_srs EPSG:3857 -t_srs EPSG:3857 -order 1 -co COMPRESS=NONE tmp_Sheet_1.tiff georef\Sheet_1.tiff - Build a virtual raster containing all georeferenced images. Example:
gdalbuildvrt -overwrite -a_srs EPSG:3857 georef\output.vrt georef*.tiff - Run gdal2tiles to create webtiles. Example gdal2tiles -s EPSG:3857 -z 10-17 georef\output.vrt tiles
- Upload tiles (using Filezilla or similar client) to
- Edit the index.html page (included in this repo) and upload it to
*Note that currently, there is an outstanding issue generating tiles for zoom layer 16. This has been submitted to this Stackexchange ticket
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