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Documentation of REST Methods

liutianci1887 edited this page Nov 17, 2019 · 30 revisions

Below is a documented list of REST Methods that we developed. All the methods will be specified through the controller methods.

Table of Contents

  1. Application
  2. Course
  3. Institution
  4. Manager
  5. Notification
  6. Request
  7. Review
  8. Room
  9. Student
  10. TimeSlot
  11. Tutor
  12. Wage


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
GET /applications - get array of all applications
GET /applications/{input} input get corresponding application by id or email
POST /applications/create existing, name, email, courses creates an application. Parameter exisiting checks whether or not tutor is already in system
DELETE /applications/{input} input deletes corresponding application by id or email


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /login email, password login, returns the person object dto or null if invalid
POST /accept/{id} id accepts request by request id
POST /reject/{id} id rejects request by request id
POST /flushdb clears the database


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
GET /courses - get array of all courses
GET /courses/subject/{subject} subject get array of all courses with subject name
GET /courses/institution/{institution} institution get array of all courses with institution name
GET /courses/{course} course get corresponding course with course name
POST /courses/create name, institution, subject creates course
DELETE /courses/{course} course deletes corresponding course with course name


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
GET /institutions - get array of all institutions
GET /institutions/{name} name get corresponding institution by institution name
DELETE /institutions/{name} name deletes corresponding institution by institution name
POST /institutions/create name, level creates corresponding institution


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /managers/create name, email, password creates manager
GET /managers/{id} id get corresponding manager by user id
GET /managers/email/{email} email get corresponding manager by email
DELETE /managers/{input} input deletes corresponding manager by user id or email


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
GET /notifications/{id} id get corresponding notification by id
GET /notifications/tutor/{id} id get array of all tutor's notifications
GET /notifications - get array of all notifications


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /requests/create date, time, tutorId, studentId, courseName creates request
GET /requests/{id} id get corresponding request by id
GET /requests - get all requests
GET /requests/tutor/{id} id get array of all requests by tutor user id
GET /requests/accepted/{id} id get array of all accepted tutor requests by tutor user id
DELETE /requests/{id} id deletes corresponding request by id


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /reviews/create rating, comment, from, to creates review
GET /reviews/{id} id get review by id
GET /reviews/tutor/{id} id get array of reviews by tutor id
DELETE /reviews/{id} id deletes corresponding review by id
GET /reviews - get array of all reviews


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /rooms/create id, capacity creates room
GET /rooms/{id} id get corresponding room by room number (id)
DELETE /rooms/{id} id deletes corresponding room by room number (id)
GET /rooms - get array of all rooms


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /students/create name, email, password creates student
GET /students/{id} id get corresponding student by user id
GET /students/email/{email} email returns corresponding student by email
GET /students - get array of all students
DELETE /students{input} input deletes corresponding student by user id or email


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /timeslots/create id, date, time creates time slot
GET /timeslots/{id} id get corresponding time slot by id
GET /timeslots/tutor/{id} id get array of time slots by tutor id
DELETE /timeslots/{id} id deletes time slot by id
GET /timeslots/{date}/{time} date returns array of all time slots by date and time


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /tutors/create name, email, password creates tutor
GET /tutors/{id} id get corresponding tutor by user id
GET /tutors/email/{email} email get corresponding tutor by email
DELETE /tutors/{input} input deletes corresponding tutor by user id or email
GET /tutors - get array of all tutors
PUT /tutors/update/{id} id, password, name, timeslots, wage changes tutor settings


Request Type Endpoints Inputs Function
POST /wages/create tutorId, course, wage creates wage
GET /wages/{id} id get corresponding wage by id
DELETE /wages/{id} id deletes corresponding wage by id
GET /wages - get array of all wages
GET /wages/tutor/{tutor} tutor get array of all wages by tutor
GET /wages/course/{course} course get array of all wages by course
PUT /wages/update/{id} id, wage updates wage amount by wage id