Welcome to FNF HD psych engine port, this port was made for having a better experience playing FNF HD, in this port there's new options, new art and more! Remember i'm not the owner of FNF HD, FNF HD is made by Kolsan and the HD team, full credits to them and their hard work.
You must have Haxe 4.2.5 (https://haxe.org/download/version/4.2.5/).
Follow a Friday Night Funkin' Psych Engine source code compilation tutorial, after this you will need to install LuaJIT.
To install LuaJIT do this: haxelib git linc_luajit https://github.com/nebulazorua/linc_luajit
on a Command prompt/PowerShell
...Or if you don't want your mod to be able to run .lua scripts, delete the "LUA_ALLOWED" line on Project.xml
If you get an error about StatePointer when using Lua, run haxelib remove linc_luajit
into Command Prompt/PowerShell, then re-install linc_luajit.
If you want video support on your mod, simply do haxelib install hxCodec
on a Command prompt/PowerShell
otherwise, you can delete the "VIDEOS_ALLOWED" Line on Project.xml
- Download
- JDK - download jdk 8
- Android Studio
- NDK - download the r15c
Install JDK, Android Studio Unzip ndk (ndk does not need to be installed)
We need to set up Android Studio for this go to android studio and find android sdk (in settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> system settings -> android sdk)
And run command
lime setup android
in power shell / cmd You need to insert the program paths
As in this picture (use jdk, not jre)
- You Need to install extension-androidtools, extension-videoview and to replace the linc_luajit
To Install Them You Need To Open Command prompt/PowerShell And To Tipe
haxelib git extension-androidtools https://github.com/MaysLastPlay77/extension-androidtools.git
haxelib git extension-videoview https://github.com/MaysLastPlay77/extension-videoview.git
haxelib remove linc_luajit
haxelib git linc_luajit https://github.com/Sirox228/linc_luajit.git
- Open project in command line
cd (path to fnf source)
And run commandlime build android -final
Apk will be generated in this path (path to source)\export\release\android\bin\app\build\outputs\apk\debug
- Nuno Filipe Studios - Main porter, coder, animator, Android Port help, Mac Port, Linux Port, 32bits version
- Remy And Ava - Mobile optimizer, gamejolt link
- DANIZIN - Old Android Port
- FNF BR - Android Port
- MaysLastPlay - Android Port
- DMMaster 636 - Artist, coder, animator
- mariodevintoons - New HD Mall Darnell Artist
- Galax - Dev Build Tester
- JorgeX_YT - Dev Build Tester
- Wednesday's Infidelity Team - Used dodge keybinds text code
- Arrow Funk Team - Used text font
- Trevent booh! - Used icon flip lua code
- JorgeX_YT - For replacing our current beta tester of the port and testing the port
- mariodevintoons - For making the new HD mall darnell
- Remy And Ava - For supporting me
- Galax - For almost testing the port and being my best friend
- FNF BR - For making an Android Port
- DANIZIN - For making an Android Port
- MaysLastPlay - For helping out with the Android Port
- DMMaster 636 - For making good HD art and cool stuff for the port
- Filipianosol - For optimizing the port