Implementation of a learning vector quantization classifier in python 2.7.
The LVQ classifier can be used by importing the class Lvq1 from the file.
Note that only the standard LVQ classifier also known as LVQ1 is implemented. Other versions of LVQ such as OLVQ1 or LVQ3 will be added in potential future updates.
- SciPy
- NumPy
This is an example of how to use the LVQ model in code.
from lvq.lvq1 import Lvq1
from lvq.lvq_exceptions import InvalidParameterException
training_data , target_labels = getTrainingData() # Get list of training samples and label list
validation_data, validation_labels = getValidationData() # Get list of validation samples and label list
neuron_counts = [5, 5] # Number of neurons per class
labels = [0, 1] # Label for each class
max_epochs = 100
patience = 5 # Number of epochs to wait before stopping training
init_lr = 0.1 # Initial learning rate
# Create model object
lvq_network = Lvq1([5,5], [0, 1], max_epochs, lr_hyperparam, patience)
# Manually set validation instead of randomly splitting the training set
lvq_network.set_validation_set(validation_data, validation_labels)
# Train by initializing neuron weights with values of samples in the training data
lvq_network.train(training_data, target_labels, "real-samples")
except InvalidParameterException as exception: