This is a project I am writing so I do not need to reinvent the wheel everytime I need to make automation tests.
- ability to use different browsers
FireFoxChromeEdge- IE? - kind of implemented but not really there are some bugs that need to be worked out that i dont feel like doing because... IE.
SafariHeadless (HtmlUnitDriver)
- Remote driver execution
- grid
browser stacksauce Labs
- Mobile (Appium)
- Local
Config File- Gradle cleanup --- really need to do this starting to get out of hand
- API work
- create Rest Class
- Get & Post methods
- Convenience methods
- not sure what this will be
- create Rest Class
- database connection
- test filtering
- add a gradle condition to set the category filter.
logginglogger is writtenwork on getting it to write to file
- Test Case Management API
- TestRails
- how and when to make run
- get runID
- when to get testcases to make run
- others once i learn about and get time
- TestRails
- second browser Util class
can i run a second browser- yes see TC006- make class layout
- other stuff that I have not thought about at this time --Scroll about half way down