kml_generator is a package for easily creating KML files. Please see the sample program example below for how to use it. Also see the public functions of the kml_generator class.
fixcsv2kml.cpp is a sample program to convert NavSatFix type ROS message vectors into kml files.
roscd kml_generator/data
rosrun kml_generator fixcsv2kml fix.csv fix.kml
The fix.csv was generated with the command "rostopic echo -b bag_name.bag -p /topic_name > fix.csv".
eagleyelogcsv2kml.cpp is a sample program for putting your own information into points.
roscd kml_generator/data
rosrun kml_generator eagleyelogcsv2kml eagleye_log.csv eagleye_log.kml
The eagleye_log.csv was generated by eagleye_pp.
This sample program converts a vector of struct kml_utils::Point into a kml file.
namespace kml_utils
struct OtherInfo
std::string name; // ex) name = "Velocity Scale Factor"
std::string value_str; // ex) value_str = "0.987684"
struct Point
int seq = 0; // [sequence number]
double time; // [sec]
double latitude; // [deg]
double longitude; // [deg]
double altitude; // [m]
std::vector<OtherInfo> other_info_vector;