BiomassEstimations based on easy-to-obtain data (e.g., stem diameter, tree height)
To install the package, you can use devtools::install_github()
. If missing, install devtools first:
Then install BiomassEST from Github:
In order to estimate the biomass of a tree, you can simply run the
function which has the following defaults:, RCD = NA, BHD = NA, H = NA, use = NA, H_meas = NA)
As an example, we will estimate the biomass of Picea abies with a height of 340 cm:"Picea abies", H = 340)
which outputs a named numeric, the estimated biomass in g:
Picea abies
Alternatively, the a measurement of the stem diameter (root collar diameter, RCD, or diameter at breast height, BHD) can be passed using the RCD
or the BHD
argument. In this case, the height at which the measurement was taken must also be provided in the H_meas
argument. Currently, there are only transformations available for .
In BiomassEST version 0.1.0, there is no difference between RCD
and BHD
Example:"Picea abies", RCD = 20, H_meas = 130)
Passing both tree height and RCD values will invoke the RCD2H method, unless an other method ("RCD" or "H") is explicitly set using the use
If you want to cite this package, simply use
The functions and parameters used to estimate tree biomass were extracted from peer-reviedwd publications. In order to cite those data sources, run
using either the argument Species
or Author
. If providing only a character string, the function will assume it is a species name.
Defaults are:
cite.datasource(Species = NA, Parameter = "RCD", Author = NA, Bibtex = TRUE)
Citations can be printed as BibTeX or as plain text as defined in the Bibtex
argument (class: logical).
- Return citation of the data source the package uses when calculating biomass of Abies alba from RCD:
cite.datasource("Abies alba")
- Return citation for a specific author occurring in the database of this package:
cite.datasource(Author = "Annighoefer")