This helps solve a problem for me, as my company requires that I use a company-specific github account, but when I want to work on other open-source projects, I can't use the company-specific account. I've solved this by storing profiles in the global .gitconfig
and writing a simple script to override a project's config with a profile, if necessary.
TLDR: quick switching between github accounts
Just to be clear, this script currently writes to and stores your profile in your global git config file.
git clone ~/.github-profiles
sudo ln -s ~/.github-profiles/bin/github-profile /usr/bin/github-profile
To add a profile to be used globally:
github-profile add --profile mculp --email [email protected] --name "Matt Culpepper"
To switch to a profile within a specific project:
github-profile use --profile mculp
- tie into ~/.ssh/config to switch hosts on a per-project basis
- use dotfiles instead of writing to global config to be less intrusive?