Welcome to BotYue, your personal task manager! BotYue is a command-line application designed to help you keep track of your tasks efficiently. Whether it's deadlines, events, or simple to-dos, BotYue has got you covered.
- Ensure you have Java11 or above installed in your computer.
- Download the
from from here. - Copy the file to the folder that you wish to use as the home folder.
- In terminal, run the file by using command
java -jar yue.jar
- Adding different types of tasks into the list
- Task tracking and management
- Time management
To add a todo task, use the following command format:
Replace <description>
with the description of your deadline task.
todo return book
Expected Output:
Got it. I've added this task:
[T][] return book
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.
To add a deadline task, use the following command format:
Replace <description>
with the description of your deadline task and <deadline>
with the deadline date and time.
The deadline format: yyyy-mm-dd
or dd/mm/yyyy
deadline Submit report /by 2024-03-15
Expected Output:
Got it. I've added this task:
[D][] Submit report (by: Mar 15 2024)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
To add an event, use the following command format:
Replace <description>
with the description of your deadline task,
replace <start time>
and <end time>
with the date and time.
Time format: yyyy-mm-dd
, dd/mm/yyyy
or dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm
event project meeting /from 12/03/2024 1800 /to 21/03/2024 1830
Expected Output:
Got it. I've added this task:
[E][] project meeting (from: Mar 12 2024 18:00 to: Mar 12 2024 18:30)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.
Command format:
Expected Output:
Here are the tasks in your list:
1. [T][] return book
2. [D][] Submit report (by: Mar 15 2024)
3. [E][] project meeting (from: Mar 12 2024 18:00 to: Mar 12 2024 18:30)
Command format:
delete 1
Expected Output:
Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][] return book
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.
Command format:
mark 1
Expected Output:
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][X] Submit report (by: Mar 15 2024)
Command format:
unmark 1
Expected Output:
OK, I've marked this task as not done yet:
[D][] Submit report (by: Mar 15 2024)
Command format:
Expected Output:
If there are two exactly the same todo tasks of return book.
Duplicates removed successfully:
1. [T][] return book
If all the tasks are unique in the list.
Great! There is no duplicates in the task list.
BotYue can help you find the tasks that contains the keyword you provided. This command is case sensitive, and not full-text search.
Command format:
find return
Expected Output:
If there are two tasks contain word 'return':
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
[T][] return book
[T][X] return books back to school
If there is no task matching the keyword:
There is no task matching the word: return
To start communicating with BotYue, user can type a command:
Then, BotYue will response:
How can I help you?
To end the conversation, input the command:
Then, BotYue will end the conversation:
Bye. Hope to see you again soon!
BotYue provides robust error handling to ensure smooth user interactions. When an error occurs during command processing, BotYue throws an exception along with an informative error message. Below are the common error scenarios and their corresponding error messages:
If the user enters an empty command, BotYue displays the following error message:
OOPS!!! Please enter a valid command.
If the user enters an invalid command, BotYue displays the following error message:
OOPS!!! I'm sorry, I don't know what that means :-(
When the user attempts to perform an action (e.g., mark, unmark, delete) on a task without an index, BotYue throws the following error:
OOPS!!! Please specify the task index to [action].
When the user attempts to perform an action (e.g., mark, unmark, delete) on a task with an invalid index, BotYue throws the following error:
OOPS!!! Please enter a valid task index to [action].
When the user attempts to perform an action (e.g., mark, unmark, delete) on a task with an index out of range, BotYue throws the following error:
OOPS!!! The index is out of range.
When adding a todo task or a deadline/event task without a description, BotYue responds with:
OOPS!!! The description of a todo task cannot be empty.
The correct format of input should be: todo <your task>.
OOPS!!! The description of a deadline task cannot be empty.
The correct format of input should be:
deadline <description> /by <deadline>
The time format should be: dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd.
OOPS!!! The description of an event task cannot be empty.
The correct format of input should be:
event <description> /from <start time> /to <end time>
The time format should be: dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm or yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yyyy
If the user fails to specify the deadline or event time, BotYue displays:
OOPS!!! The deadline of a deadline task cannot be empty.
The correct format of input should be:
deadline <description> /by <deadline>
The time format should be: dd/mm/yyyy or yyyy-mm-dd.
Event (missing start and end time)
OOPS!!! The time of an event task cannot be empty.
The correct format of input should be:
event <description> /from <start time> /to <end time>
The time format should be: dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm or yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yyyy
Event (missing end time)
OOPS!!! The end time of an event task cannot be empty.
The correct format of input should be:
event <description> /from <start time> /to <end time>
The time format should be: dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm or yyyy-mm-dd or dd/mm/yyyy
When the deadline or event time is provided in an incorrect format, BotYue throws an error:
deadline homework /by 12/03/21
Unable to parse date/time as the time might be missing or in a wrong format 12/03/21
These error messages help users understand the nature of the problem and guide them in providing the correct input to BotYue.