My take on the classic, including oauth2 authentication, e2e teseting and more goodies.
Demostrates how to handle nullable reference types with EF core and in various other situations.
Demostrates an e2e test set up with a clean structure that enables writing concise, robust, declarative tests.
Implements a CQRS approach to laying out an Asp.Net core application.
An approach to ensuring CreatedAt, CreatedBy, LastUpdatedAt and LastUpdatedBy properties on entities are consistently updated when creating / saving in the db context.
An approach for mapping enums in code to a database table automatically.
- Asp.Net Core 6
- EF Core 6 (SQL Server)
- Asp.Net Identity
- Openiddict
- Fluent validation
- Noda Time
- XUnit
- user management (super admin)
- searching list todos
- sorting list todos
- Email sending
- Embedded image
- Test data builders
- Api versioning
- Roles
- resource baed authorization policy.
- download as csv
- review access modifiers
- startup logging
- figure out how better to handle enum initialization, right now have to tell respawn to ignore TodoStatus table which isn't ideal'.
- ✔️ use separate dtos in e2e test project
- ✔️ list todos e2e test
- ✔️ paginated list todos
- ✔️ unit test paginatedListResponse
- ✔️ HttpClient extensions in e2e tests.
- ✔️ Fix todo test suites not runing on their own.
- Use XUnit instead of NUnit
- Clean Architecture & CQRS -
- Setting up Openiddict -