Migrates an Axon Server Event Store from one location to another. This may be a different Axon Server istance, or it may be another context within the same Axon Server installation.
Uses an application.properties file to configure the source and target Axon Server information.
Required properties:
- migration.source.servers - comma separated list of source nodes (use hostname:port if port is other than 8124)
- migration.target.servers - comma separated list of target nodes (use hostname:port if port is other than 8124)
Optional properties:
- migration.source.context - the context from which to read the events (uses "default" if not set)
- migration.source.token - access token for the source event store
- migration.source.tls-enabled - use transport level security for the source event store
- migration.target.context - the context to which to write the events (uses "default" if not set)
- migration.target.token - access token for the target event store
- migration.target.tls-enabled - use transport level security for the target event store
- migration.read-buffer-size - the buffer size for reading events from the source (default value 1000)
- migration.write-batch-size - the number of events to send to the target in one request (default value 50)