This Code is Covered Under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 3 by ProperProgramming, LLC (https://properprogramming.com). It requires all modifications to be contributed back to the original license.
We provide no warranty or guaranty on this code. Code produced from this library will almost certainly not work perfectly alone, and will need an experienced professional to solve some issues you will face. Do not use on production environments.
Online Version: https://properprogramming.com/tools/jquery-to-javascript-converter/
The cost of using this code is that any improvements must be shared with the community. Please respect this and contribute back. You may fork our library on GitHub.
License: GPLv3 or later
Author: https://properprogramming.com/
Online Version: https://properprogramming.com/tools/jquery-to-javascript-converter/
GitHUB Repository: https://github.com/MGParisi/JQuery2Javascript
License URI: https://github.com/MGParisi/JQuery2Javascript/blob/master/license.txt
Original License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
This code does common string replacements that can be used when converting JQuery to Javascript.
The reason for this is that sometimes JQuery is not needed, and can be removed. This would be done to possibly improve the performance of sites that may not use JQuery Heavily.
Ruby on Rails removed the JQuery Library from their website and went with another library. This left many previous Ruby sites stuck and having to remove the JQuery library or suffer the penalty of using two competing libraries at the same time.
Remove the textNrep.php DIE() statement. Modify it to handle your directory.
JQuery provides many features to Javascript that can not be simply removed. Therefor, it is encouraged to expect this library to break your code.
Areas we most commonly see problems (but not limited to) are in null handling and other exception handling.