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How to run

Kristy Horan edited this page Oct 4, 2024 · 9 revisions

Before you start

tbtAMR can take any correctly formatted VCF file - which means that it is sequence platform agnostic. Alternatively, you can also supply Illumina paired-end reads as sqeuence input, providing you have installed mutAMR correctly. However when designing and developing tbtAMR some assumptions were made.

  • If you are using vcf as input - it is formatted correctly.
  • Annotation was undertaken using snpEff or another annotation tool which adheres to specification found here. If you supply an un-annotated vcf and have snpEff installed, tbtAMR will annotate for you (see HERE for installation instructions)

Is your vcf file correctly formatted?

There is a standard for generation of VCF files, you can learn more about this here. Most bioinformatics tools will (should) follow this standard, if the tool you are using does not - there is no guarantee that tbtAMR behaviour will be as expected. Basic checks will be undertaken to ensure that your VCF is correct and if obvious issues are detected tbtAMR will error and ask you to check your inputs. However, if you are using a tool that does not follow this standard, but generates a file that mostly looks correct, tbtAMR may not detect the difference, it will appear to run correctly but the outputs may be unexpected or incorrect. If this is the case, please check your VCF generation and make sure that it follows the above linked specifications.

Have you installed tbtAMR to run the way you want to run?

If you are supplying an annotated VCF as input and have no need for VCF generation or annotation, you can just install tbtAMR as describe here. However, if you would like to supply paired-end fastq files as input, you will need to make sure that you have installed tbtAMR as descibed here.

Alternatively, you can also just install snpEff and tbtAMR and described here if you want tbtAMR to annotate your VCF file.

A note on lineage calling.

By default, tbtAMR does not call lineage for M. tuberculosis, you can do this if you like by following the installation instructions here and using the --call_lineage flag.

Generating genomic DST using default criteria (based on WHO catalogue V2)

VCF input

tbtamr predict --vcf sample.vcf.gz -s sample_name

paired-end reads input

tbtamr full -1 R1.fq.gz -2 R1.fq.gz -s sample_name

Add phylogenetic lineage to outputs

Please make sure that you have installed pathogen-profiler as described here.

tbtamr predict --vcf sample.vcf.gz -s sample_name --call_lineage


tbtamr full -1 R1.fq.gz -2 R1.fq.gz -s sample_name --call_lineage

Generating genomic DST using custom criteria

Check out the instructions for defining criteria here, example files can also be found here.

tbtamr predict --vcf sample.vcf.gz -s sample_name -c custom_mutational_catalogue.csv -cfg custom_db_config.json -r custom_interpretation_criteria.csv -cr custom_classification_criteria.csv


tbtamr full -1 R1.fq.gz -2 R1.fq.gz -s sample_name -c custom_mutational_catalogue.csv -cfg custom_db_config.json -r custom_interpretation_criteria.csv -cr custom_classification_criteria.csv

Use tbtAMR to generate annotated VCF file (no DST)

It is unclear why you may want to do this - but the functionality is here for you if you want to use it

tbtamr fq2vcf -1 R1.fq.gz -2 R1.fq.gz -s sample_name


tbtamr annotate --vcf sample.vcf.gz -s sample_name

Search your catalogue for variant information

tbtAMR also allows you to quickly peruse your catalogue - which can be useful if you don't want to break excel and you have a large catalogue.

tbtamr search -q rpoB_p.Ser540Leu rpoB_p.Ser540Ala

If you are using a custom catalogue - you will need to do

tbtamr search -q some_query -c custom_mutational_catalogue.csv -cfg custom_db_config.json

Output files

tbtAMR will output two files as standard.

  1. The first is tbtamr_results.csv. This is essentially the raw output of your interpretative criteria, this may include reportable and non-reportable results (depending on how the interpretative criteria and catalogue configuration are set up).

  2. The second file is tbtamr_linelist_report.csv. This file is a filtered version of what is in the tbtamr_results.csv, with only results deemed appropriate for reporting (as defined by the interpretative criteria and catalogue configuration).

If you have added the --cascade flag, and have cascade_reporting set up in the catalogue configuration, a 3rd file will be created 3. tbtamr_linelist_cascade_report.csv, this is a further filtered version of the linelist report, with specific drugs reported based on the resistance profile detected. For more information see here and here.

Note all output files are designed to be simple csv to allow for straightforward management and incorporation into LIMS. tbtAMR does not make any assumptions as to how the reports should appear or be communicated.