Supplement notebooks to demonstrate MAGINE. The data set consists of 12 time points across label-free, ph-silac, and silac proteomis, rna-seq, and metabolomics on HL60 cells following exposure to bendamustine.
- supplement_notebook_1_data_exploration.ipynb : ExperimentalData Class demonstration.
- supplement_notebook_2_network_creation_and_exploration.ipynb : Generates data specific network and desmonstrates exploration tools.
- supplement_notebook_3_enrichment_analysis.ipynb : Demonstrates enrichment analysis.
- supplement_notebook_4_agn.ipynb : Generation and exploration of "annotated gene set networks".
- Data/bendamustine_data.csv.gz : Experimental data (description in notebook 1).
- : code to perform enrichment analysis on entire data set.
- enrichment_output : contains all the output of
- bendamustine_enrichment.csv.gz : Enrichment analysis output.
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