I may be adding Streamlit and Ollama at somepoint. Therefore, they are in the requirements.txt
This repo/codebase is a work in progress, & is intended to be an updated version of my other linkedin bot
There are many other test scripts for various trouble shooting & other use-cases in the Test_Scripts folder
You will need to download the Chrome Driver and palce it in the directory alongside the python files
In order of most to least important
How the Bot works
- Create an Excalabur Draw diagram - high-level overview of how this bot works
Browser handling issues
- Eliminate launching a new browser/login session with each iteration.
- Each URL is being visited in the same window
- Conduct all searches and applications within one browser session.
Primary purpose of the Bot: Completion of the Easy apply section
- Currently troubleshooting XPath click using:
test_apply_working_full.py script
Once the above is working, itegrate it's functionality into
Resolve the click on "Easy apply" button: Works in
Implement separation of concerns for finding and clicking elements
Create module for testing sign in
Create a module to test login and apply
Create functionality to handle the submit apply pop-up.
- clicking Next (submit application) and
- click review
- Modify test_apply.py to be re-run without repeating the login everytime
Integrate the four methods used to click the Easy Apply button into
- Do this using a nested function??
Tie it all together in
After all of the Easy apply functionality is complete.
- Make bot able to apply on external links
- Make it able to register & logon to external job applications
- Follow PEP 8 Syle Guide coding conventions:
- Change all Variable and Function names to lower case
- Avoid account login issues
- Headless browser experience (Only the login and home page is shown. No link visitin.)
- You can change this in the
file. Where it saysheadless = True
- Fix specified HTML element discovery issues
Chromium not woking properly with Linux - More robustness of the bot for different fields
- Add support to other major job seeking websites (Glassdoor, AngelCo, Greenhouse,
- Possibly need? Evade Anti-Bot detection
- If necessary, Maybe retrieve and use session cookies from the browser?
git clone https://github.com/LinuxUser255/LinkedIn_Apply.git
cd LinkedIn_Apply
curl -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LinuxUser255/LinkedIn_Apply/refs/heads/main/virtenv_acitvate.sh | sh virtenv_acitvate.sh
pip3 install -r requirements.yml