This is a "hello world" style demo inspired by the classic cowsay ascii art generator.
To run this demo you will need lilypad installed into your local development environment, check out the docs to get started.
It's important to note the Dockerfile
in this repository is only here for informational purposes only to see how the lilysay dockerhub image is built against the Lilypad template below.
Once the lilypad CLI is installed, run the following to test out the lilysay module.
lilypad run -i Message='Hello lilypad world'
The ascii art image output can also be changed using any of the following, by adding the -i Image=
input as part of the cli command.
For example
lilypad run -i Message='Hello lilypad world' -i Image=lilyfrog
Visit the lilypad documentation to find out more on how to build your own custom lilypad job modules.