PUDA Data Processing
This is a bit of python code to process some of the data generated by the ERP system and the Laser machine. With the results of the python code it should be easier to analyse the data generated by the ERP and the Laser.
- Python version 3.12.2 64-bit
- pandas
- numpy
- openpyxl
Note: The code only works for the excel file that was given. If the format, naming of the columns, naming of the files or the naming of the sheets changes then the code will have to be modified! The import names in the excel file that where given were as follows:
├── RidderiQ
│ ├── Programmanummer
│ ├── MateriaalCode
│ ├── OrderBon
│ ├── StuksPerPlaat
│ └── TijdBonPerPlaat
├── WiCAM
│ ├── Programmanummer
│ ├── OrderBon
│ └── SnijlengtePerStuk
├── ThingsBoard laser 3
│ ├── Timestamp
│ ├── GrossRunTime
│ ├── PlaatNr
│ ├── ProgrammaNaam
│ ├── NetProcessingTime
│ └── NetRunTime
└── ThingsBoard laser4
├── Timestamp
├── GrossRunTime
├── PlaatNr
├── ProgrammaNaam
├── NetProcessingTime
└── NetRunTime