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Leather128 edited this page Jan 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

Lua API Documentation

Warning! This documentation is VERY unfinished, you will probably have to look in the source code of Leather Engine to find everything you can do for the moment.

Basic Types

Name Description
Int Any whole number.
Float Any number.
Bool true or false.
String Text
Void No return value.

Blocked Classes / Functions

  • os (allows access to the operating system, which can also be dangerous)
  • require (allows other libraries which can be dangerous to be accessed)

Examples (v0.5.0+)

function start(song)
    set('scoreTxt.alpha', 0.5)

Sets score text to half transparent

function start(song)
    tween('boyfriend', { x = get('boyfriend.x') + 300 }, 1, 'cubeInOut', 3, function()
        tween('boyfriend', { x = get('boyfriend.x') - 300 }, 1, 'cubeInOut')

Smoothly moves boyfriend 300 pixels to the right after waiting 3 seconds, and then back to left 300 pixels.

function start(song)
    newText('yourMom', 'i am a little goofy', 0, 0, 16)
    set('yourMom.borderColor', color(0, 0, 0))
    set('yourMom.borderStyle', "OUTLINE")
    setObjectCamera('yourMom', 'hud')

    tween("yourMom", { x = 640, y = 360 }, 2, "linear", function()
        tween("yourMom", { x = 0, y = FlxG.height - 18 }, 2, "linear")


Creates and moves a text label across the screen with tweens (also loads another script named 'test-script')

-- when the stage lua is created
function create(stage)
	print(stage .. ' is our stage!')

	-- make our sprites B)
	makeStageSprite('stageback', 'stageback', -600, -200, 1)
	setActorScroll(0.9, 0.9, 'stageback')

	makeStageSprite('stagefront', 'stagefront', -650, 600, 1.1)
	setActorScroll(0.9, 0.9, 'stagefront')

	makeStageSprite('stagecurtains', 'stagecurtains', -500, -300, 0.9)
	setActorScroll(1.3, 1.3, 'stagecurtains')

	-- set extra properties like camera zoom (can be done in json still but frick you)
	set('stage.camZoom', 0.9)

-- same as start function in a regular modchart
function start(stage)

-- called each frame with elapsed being the seconds between the last frame
function update(elapsed)


-- everytime a beat hit is called on the song this happens
function beatHit(curBeat)


-- any other functions from regular modcharts can also be put here :DDD

Template Stage Lua

Global Variables

Song Information

Variable Description Type
difficulty The current difficulty. String
difficulty (Legacy pre 0.4.1) The current difficulty from 0 to 2 Int
bpm / songBpm Current BPM (Beats per minute) Float
keyCount Opponent's key count currently (equal to playerKeyCount unless specifically specified). Int
playerKeyCount Player's key count currently. Int
scrollspeed The current scroll speed. Float
curBeat The current 'beat' (4th note) of the song. Int
curStep The current 'step' (16th note) of the song. Int
crochet Time between each 'step' (16th note) of the song in milliseconds. Float
bot Botplay setting value. Bool
noDeath No Death setting value. Bool
downscrollBool Downscroll setting value. Bool
downscroll (Deprecated ⚠️ ) Downscroll setting value (0 or 1). Int
middlescroll Middlescroll setting value. Bool
flashingLights / flashing Flashing Lights setting value. Bool
distractions (Not Implemented ❌ ) Distractions setting value (always true). Bool
animatedBackgrounds Animated Backgrounds setting value. Bool
fpsCap FPS Cap setting value. Int
cameraZooms Camera Zooms setting value. Bool


  • FlxColor

  • FlxG

    • Has 3 properties, width, height, and elapsed, these are all equal to the respective values in flixel.FlxG
  • Conductor

  • lua

    • Has 2 properties, "version", and "versionJIT", these are string versions of the current Lua version and LuaJIT version respectively.
  • SONG

Global Functions

New Functions (v0.5.0+)

Function Description Parameters Return
loadScript Loads the script from path into the game. path:String Void
tween Tweens object using properties with a duration of duration, after startDelay, with the ease of ease (see FlxEase Docs for names to use), and calls onComplete at the end of the tween. object:String, properties:Table, duration:Float, ease:String (name of FlxEase to use), ?startDelay:Float = 0.0, ?onComplete:Function<Void -> Void> Void
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