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System for gangs to capture zones (areas) on the map. Once captured gangs can make money from illegal sales done in the area or money washing.
- OneSync Infinity
- "Ox" ESX, You can modify for other frameworks. Please make a PR if you do
- bixbi_core
- qtarget
- ox_inventory
- bixbi_illegalsales (Optional)
- zf_context (Optional)
- zf_dialog (Optional)
Open Menu
Sale Complete
TriggerServerEvent('bixbi_territories:sv_Sale', source, zone, type*, amount*, item*, count*)
* = Optional. If location is nil you need to supply localPlayerId, and vice-versa.
Example: TriggerServerEvent('bixbi_territories:sv_Sale', source, GetNameOfZone(GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())), 'moneywash')
Feel free to modify to your liking. Please keep my name (Leah#0001) in the credits of the fxmanifest. If your modification is a bug-fix I ask that you make a pull request, this is a free script; please contribute when you can.