A modern, responsive portfolio website showcasing my work as a Software Developer and Game Developer. Built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, featuring smooth animations and a clean, professional design.
- Responsive design that works on all devices
- Smooth scrolling navigation
- Dynamic typewriter effect
- Animated sections using AOS (Animate On Scroll)
- Dark theme with modern aesthetics
- Interactive elements with hover effects
- Mobile-friendly navigation menu
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- AOS Library - For scroll animations
- Font Awesome - For icons
- Google Fonts (Poppins)
- Home - Introduction with animated typing effect
- About - Professional background and interests
- Skills - Technical expertise and tools
- Education - Academic background
- Certifications - Professional certifications and achievements
- Contact - Ways to get in touch
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/portfolio-website.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd portfolio-website
- Open
in your browser or use a local server:
# Using Python
python -m http.server 8000
# Using Node.js
npx http-server
- GitHub: @Lanceroyy
- LinkedIn: Lance Roller
- Font Awesome for the icons
- Google Fonts for the Poppins font family
- AOS library for smooth scroll animations
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