This is the code for circle detection in images using inscribed triangles. Circle detection is a critical issue in pattern recognition and image analysis. Conventional methods such as Hough transform, suffer from cluttered backgrounds and concentric circles. We present a novel method for fast circle detection using inscribed triangles. The proposed algorithm is more robust against cluttered backgrounds, noise, and occlusion.
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The code was implemented with VS 2019, OpenCV 3.4.7, and Eigen3.
To test images for your own data. Run the 'test.cpp' in the './src' directory.
It allows you to specify the input file path:
cv::String path = "E:/Code/patterns/Images1/";
and the output path for the detected results:
cv::String dst = "E:/Code/patterns/result/";
Here, you need to create two directories, ie, 'Images1' and 'result'. If there are corresponding ground truths (GT), then you can further add the GT path:
cv::String GT = "E:/Code/patterns/GT/";
Four real-world datasets for circle detection: Dataset Mini, Dataset GH, Dataset PCB, and Dataset MY, are provided. Dataset Mini contains 10 images which are used as a benchmark by several works. Dataset GH contains 258 gray real-world images. Dataset PCB contains 100 industrial printed circuit board images, which are also grayscale. Dataset MY contains 111 colorful real-world images. We also provide ground truths for each dataset.
Due to the complexity of real-world images, we cannot hope a set of fixed parameters to get the best results for each image. To customize your purpose, we provide some suggestions:
- The inlier ratio threshold 'T_inlier', the larger the more strict. Hence, to get more circles, you can slightly tune it down.
- The sharp angle threshold 'sharp_angle'. To detect small circles, you can slightly tune it up
- The other parameters are usually fixed.
If you find our work useful in your research, please cite our paper:
title={An occlusion-resistant circle detector using inscribed triangles},
author={Zhao, Mingyang and Jia, Xiaohong and Yan, Dong-Ming},
journal={Pattern Recognition},