Releases: LSS-Manager/LSSM-V.4
Releases · LSS-Manager/LSSM-V.4
- ♻️ [hotkeys] disable native hotkeys if a LSSM hotkey defines the same key
- 💄 [hotkeys] improve overview in hotkeys help (F1)
- ✨ [ecw] selectedVehicleCounter
- ✨ [em/buildingComplexes] support alliance schools
- ✨ [hotkeys] new hotkeys:
- missions
- open first patient transport request
- alert_next
- prev
- next
- alert_share_next
- share
- alert
- main window
- toggle windows in window design
- missions
- ✨ turn closed Beta into open Beta => branch chooser in settings
- 🐛 [heatmap] fix multiple settings windows
- 🐛 [hotkeys] fix multiple help windows (F1)
- ✨ [em] mapCSSFilter
- ✨ [em/arrSearch] optional actions on Enter
- ✨ [ecw/tt,ecw/ai] allow type without custom categories
- ✨ [extendedBuilding] startPatrolsShortcut
- ✨ [hotkeys] vehicles
- ✨ [redesign/vehicles] support starrableMissions
- 🌐 many translation updates
- 💚 many changes and updates in the background
- ✨ [generalExtensions] map bookmarks: custom titles (#1791)
- ✨ [extendedBuilding] dispatchCenterBuildingFilter
- ✨ [extendedBuilding / schoolsBuildingFilter] add filter by dispatch center
- ✨ [hotkeys] many new hotkeys for buildings and dispatch centers (thanks to @Cr4zyc4k3)
- ✨🇫🇷 CP fr_FR 🇫🇷✨
- ✨ [chatExtras] userSelection
- ✨ [creditsExtension] option to hide alliance funds
- ✨ [creditsExtension] option to show progress bar for credits targets
- ✨ [hotkeys] new hotkeys (thanks to @Cr4zyc4k3)
- main page
- move map
- zoom map in and out
- open dropdown for change sorting of missions list
- mission window
- focus alliance response field
- toggle "post response in alliance chat"
- ARR: previous and next tab
- Vehicle-List: previous and next tab
- load missing vehicles
- backalarm all own vehicles
- backalarm own ambulances
- cancel own units en-route
- main page
- ✨ [schoolingOverview] collapse lists
- 🐛 [etr] fix container/pod/AB transport requests
- 🌐🇫🇮 LSSM V4 is now available in 🇫🇮🌐
- ℹ️ updated FontAwesome Icons to 6.1.2. See Changelog for more details.
- ✨ [bc] extensions: availableAt
- ✨ [bc] rename vehicles of v3 will now also show in v4 building complexes
- ✨ [ce] whisperIndicator
- ✨ [ce] mentionIndicator
- 💄 [bc] improve icon selection design
- 🚸 [bc] improve settings dropdown visibility
- ✨ [bc] show other complexes on settings map
- ✨ [bc] cell/bed sharing in buildings list
- ✨ [ecw] arrCategoryColors
- ✨ [ecw] arrSearchCompactResults
- ✨ [settings] collapse appendable-lists
- ✨ [bc] add protocol
- ✨ [etr] autoOpenTransportRequest
- ✨ [etr] autoClickSuccessBtns
Contributors to this release (sorted by alphabet):
@Cr4zyc4k3 @Gooochy @Kemon22 @Suchty112 @deoxis9001 @jxn-30
- 🐛 [blf] fix searching LSSM complexes
- 🐛 [statuscounter] finally fixing the wrong values
- 💄 [blf, ecl/fei] fix width in window design
- ✨ [bc] classrooms & schoolings (part 1)
- ✨ [ce] selfHighlight
- ✨ [ce] light / compact design for chat history (by @Notme112)
- ✨ [core] native: checkbox multiselect
Contributors to this release (sorted by alphabet):
@02Miki @Cr4zyc4k3 @Gooochy @Notme112 @Suchty112 @deoxis9001 @jxn-30
- 🐛 [ecw/arrSearch] fix problems with special characters
- 🐛 [eb/sbf] fix shared schoolings
- ✨ [bc] support alliance buildings
- ✨ [bc] integrations into buildings list
- attached buildings are hidden by default, can be disabled for each complex
- custom filter available in the module
- ✨ [blf] fixed filters (enabled by default)
- ✨ [ecl/collapse] option to hide "all"-btn
Contributors to this release (sorted by alphabet):
@Kemon22 @Suchty112 @deoxis9001 @jxn-30