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Bernardo Niebuhr edited this page Mar 7, 2018 · 21 revisions

6. LSMetrics outputs

After LSMetrics runs, you will see in your screen the following message, with a sound:

By default, LSMetrics outputs are raster maps in ".tiff" format. We will use the palette "byr" from r.colors for coloring our diversity rasters. For practical reasons, we are using different points near the state forest region of FEENA to show their values for each metrics via Query results in GRASS GIS display. If you want to visualize the values of each metric for a same spatial point, you can use r.what in the command line of GRASS GIS:

r.what map=SP_RioClaro_use_raster_diversity_1000m_pielou_size_33@PERMANENT coordinates=241349.630457,7517527.94463

If you choose all metrics, you will see them in the output file you´ve chosen before.

Next, we are going to briefly present a layout of each landscape metrics outputs, together with their sufix file names and query results in printscreens of GRASS GIS displays.

Take a look on the 27 output suffixes of file names for our example data:

Metric Sufix of file name
_HABMAT Binary raster of habitat and matrix
_HABMAT_0060m_fid FID of structural elements map
_HABMAT_0060m_fragment_AreaHA Fragment area in hectars
_HABMAT_0100m_func_connect_AreaHA Functional connected area in hectars using a 100 crossing distance
_HABMAT_0060m_structural_connectivity Classification of structural elements with a 60 m edge depth
_HABMAT_0100m_func_connect_AreaHA Functional connected area in hectars using a 100 crossing distance
_HABMAT_0100m_func_connect_complete_AreaHA Complete functionally connected area in hectars using a 100 window
_HABMAT_0100m_func_connect_complete_pid PIDs of Complete functionally connected area in hectars using a 100 window
_HABMAT_0100m_func_connect_pid PIDs of clumps for functional connectivity using a 100 m crossing distance
_HABMAT_0100m_functional_connectivity Functional connectivity using a 100 m crossing distance
_HABMAT_EDGE_0060m Edge area binary map using a 60 m edge depth
_HABMAT_EDGE_0060m_AreaHA Edge area map using a 60 m edge depth
_HABMAT_EDGE_0060m_pct_1000m Proportion of edge using a 60 m edge depth
_HABMAT_EDGE_0060m_pid Identification of edge cumps using a 60 m edge depth
_HABMAT_EDGE_DIST Map of distances from edge
_HABMAT_habitat_pct_1000m Proportion of habitat using a 1000 m window size
_HABMAT_MECO_0060m Structural elements (edge, core, matrix)
_HABMAT_patch_AreaHA Patch area of the habitat matrix map
_HABMAT_pid Patch identification of the habitat matrix map
_HABMAT_CORE_0060m Core area binary map using a 60 m edge depth
_HABMAT_CORE_0060m_AreaHA Core area in hectares
_HABMAT_0060m_pct_1000m Proportion of habitat using a 1000 m window size and a 60 m edge depth
_HABMAT_CORE_0060m_pid Patch identification of core areas using a 60 m edge depth value
_HABMAT_diversity_1000m_pielou_size_33 Landscape diversity using Pielou´s algorithm and a 1000 m window size
_HABMAT_diversity_1000m_shannon_size_33 Landscape diversity using Shannon´s algorithm and a 1000 m window size
_HABMAT_diversity_1000m_simpson_size_33 Landscape diversity using Simpson´s algorithm and a 1000 m window size
_HABMAT_diversity_1000m_renyi_size_33_alpha_0.5 Landscape diversity using Renyis´s algorithm and a 1000 m window size