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LATOKEN C# Client Library (Early Beta version)

LATOKEN C# Client Library aims to help developers to integrate with the LATOKEN trading API. The WebSocket connection is based on the STOMP protocol. More details can be found here.

Please note that the library in Early Beta, and LATOKEN doesn't take any responsibility for the damages occurred while using this code. If you think something is broken or missing, please create an issue.

Getting started

You can install this as a Nuget package: Latoken.Api.Client.Library 1.0.0

Alternatively, you can use the source code, but make sure you have installed these Nuget packages:

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging Version: 5.0.0
  • Newtonsoft.Json Version 12.0.3
  • Websocket.Client Version: 4.3.35


Note that this library is not thread-safe. Don't attempt to send orders from multiple threads etc.

LARestClient class to interract with the REST API

Get a list of all account balances

    //Generate your public and private API keys on this page
    ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials
        ApiKey = "Your Public API Key",
        ApiSecret = "Your Private API Key"

    var latokenRestClient =
            new LARestClient(credentials, new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri("") });


    List<Balance> balances = await latokenRestClient.GetBalances();

Placing a limit order

    //Generate your public and private API keys on this page
    ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials
        ApiKey = "Your Public API Key",
        ApiSecret = "Your Private API Key"

    var latokenRestClient =
            new LARestClient(credentials, new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri("") });

    //Getting UUID strings representing IDs of the corresponding currencies/assets
    //You might want to cache this, since this is static data, and  you don't need to fetch it each time
    var freeCoin = (await latokenRestClient.GetCurrency("FREE")).Id;
    var usdtCoin = (await latokenRestClient.GetCurrency("USDT")).Id;

    //Consult for possible field values
    //Also, follow price and qty format as described on this page, use comma only to separate the decimal part
    OrderCommand orderCommand = new OrderCommand
        BaseCurrency = baseCurrency,
        QuoteCurrency = quoteCurrency,
        Side = "BUY",
        Condition = "GTC",
        Type = "LIMIT",                
        Quantity = "1.0",
        Price = "1.0",
        ClientOrderId = "C# Client Test",
        Timestamp = (long)(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalSeconds

    OrderResponse result = await latokenRestClient.PlaceOrder(orderCommand);

Supported REST endpoints (LARestClient class)

Information about our REST API specification LATOKEN API v2 docs.

Method Description LATOKEN APIv2 Link
GetPairs Request list of all active trading pairs getAvailablePairs
GetPair Get active trading pair Client library implementation
GetCurrencies Get a list of active currencies getMyOrdersByPair
GetCurrency Get a currency by id or tag getCurrencies
GetBalances Request all account balances for a current user getBalancesByUser
GetBalanceByType Request specific account by currency and type getBalancesByCurrency
GetAvailablePairs Request list of all available trading pairs getAvailablePairs
GetAvailablePair Get available trading pair Client library implementation
GetOrders Get a list of private orders getMyOrders
GetOrdersPair Get a list of private orders on a traded pair getMyOrdersByPair
GetOrder Get a private order by id getOrderById
GetAllTrades Get public trade history for a given pair getTradesByPair
GetClientTrades Get private trade history getTradesByTrader
GetClientTradesPair Request trade history of authorized user for given pair getTradesByAssetAndTrader
PlaceOrder Request trade history of authorized user for given pair getTradesByAssetAndTrader
CancelOrder Cancel order by id cancelOrder
CancelAllOrders Cancel all orders for a given pair cancelAllOrders
GetOrderBook Get order book snapshot for a given pair getOrderBook
GetTickers Request tickers for all pairs getAllTickers
GetTicker Request ticker for pair getTicker

LAWsClient class to interact with the WebSocket API

Get order book for FREE/USDT pair

        ClientCredentials restCredentials = new ClientCredentials
           Alias = "TestCSharpClient",
           ApiKey = "Your Public API Key",
           ApiSecret = "Your Private API Key"                
       var latokenRestClient =
                new LARestClient(restCredentials, new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri("") });

       LatokenUser getUserResult = await latokenRestClient.GetUser();

       ClientCredentials wsCredentials = new ClientCredentials
           Alias = "TestCSharpClient",
           ApiKey = "Your Public API Key",
           ApiSecret = "Your Private API Key",
           UserId = getUserResult.Id

       var wsClient = new LAWsClient(wsCredentials, true);
       wsClient.OnOpened += WSClient_OnOpened;
       wsClient.OnClosed += WSClient_OnClosed;
       wsClient.OnError += WSClient_OnError;

       await Task.Delay(15000);

       //Getting UUID strings representing IDs of the corresponding currencies/assets
       //You might want to cache this, since this is static data, and  you don't need to fetch it each time
        var freeCoin = (await latokenRestClient.GetCurrency("FREE")).Id;
        var usdtCoin = (await latokenRestClient.GetCurrency("USDT")).Id;
       wsClient.SubscribeOrderBookEvents(freeCoin, usdtCoin,
       delegate (OrderBookChange orderBookChange, string baseId, string quoteId, DateTime dateTime) {
            Console.WriteLine("Order book change {0}", orderBookChange);

        private void WSClient_OnOpened()
           //TODO: your implementation here

        private void WSClient_OnClosed(WebSocketCloseStatus? status, string description)
            //TODO: your implementation here

        private void WSClient_OnError(string header, string body)
            //TODO: your implementation here

Supported WebSockets endpoints (LAWsClient class)

Information about our WebSocket API specification LATOKEN API v2 docs.

Method Description LATOKEN APIv2 Link
SubscribeOrderBookEvents Subscribe for order book events for a pair Books
SubscribeOrderEvents Subscribe for private order events Orders
SubscribeMyTradeEvents Subscribe for private trade events Trades
SubscribeBalanceEvents Subscribe for balance on your accounts events Accounts


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