Vimeo editor, is build and tested for umbraco 7.5.4. It is part of the umbraco grid, and works by supplying a video link like: and a thumbnail image which will be uploaded to umbraco.
in the view, jquery creates the vimeo player from the link, and when pressing the thumbnail, a modal window appear, with a Vimeo video player.
The video will autoplay, when opening the modal window. The video will pause, when closing the modal window.
notes::: (Dansk)
Overfør filer, til de tilsvarende mapper.
App_Plugins -> Vimeo -> "package.manifest", tilpas Alias til projekt navn.(%SolutionName%)
Controller -> "VideoSurfaceController.cs", tilpas namespace samt using. (%SolutionName%)
Tilføj flg. links til master page: (tilpas hvis nødvendigt)
<script src=""></script> <script src="~/scripts/typings/Custom/Modals/VimeoPlayer.js"></script>
note::: (English)
Transfer files, to corresponding folders.
App_Plugins -> Vimeo -> "package.manifest", adapt Alias to your project name (%SolutionName%)
Controller -> "VideoSurfaceController.cs", adapt namespace and using. (%SolutionName%)
Add the following links to the master page: ( adapt if needed)
<script src=""></script> <script src="~/scripts/typings/Custom/Modals/VimeoPlayer.js"></script>