CS:GO offers a very interesting feature: The ability to subscribe to a workshop map collection to play a series of original maps that will follow each other.
This feature works well, but another feature is broken when coupled with it: the end-of-match vote for next map.
Indeed, there are two distinct problems:
On the server side: Despite the use of the subscribed_collection_ids.txt file, the end of game vote on maps from the workshop only works if the list of cards is explicitly filled in the gamemodes_server.txt file, which removes the interest of using a collection because it becomes tedious to generate a configuration with individual maps names, which are moreover complex to find.
On the client side: Once the server is configured, the vote is displayed at the end of the game, but it is impossible to display thumbnails of map. Only a name and a generic thumbnail are displayed, making the vote much less readable, especially on large collections.
It is composed of 2 distincts fixes:
A fix for the server (Linux or Windows): I chose not to directly modify the server configuration which can sometimes have been largely customized by the administrator. The script generates the configuration to be added or merged manually to the gamemodes_server.txt file. To do this, it needs to retrieve the names of the bsp files that are not directly readable on the website. They are therefore retrieved via the Steam API1.
A fix for clients (Windows only): The goal is to have a plug and play script that does not require any prior installation to make installation by players very easy. This script will retrieve the thumbnails of the cards, convert it in png, and modify the gamemodes.txt file to allow them to be displayed2.
- Identify your collection ID
python csgo_fix_vote_for_workshop_map.py <collection ID>
Use & adapt generated content in
mapgroup my_custom_group
Launch your server with additionnal parameters
+host_workshop_collection <collection ID> +workshop_start_map <first map ID>
Use & adapt generated content in
mapgroup my_custom_group
Launch your server with additionnal parameters
+host_workshop_collection <collection ID> +workshop_start_map <first map ID>
You could launch 'csgo_fix_thumbnails_script.ps1' directly. It support several parameters :
Usage: csgo_fix_thumbnails_script.ps1 [MODE] [COLLECTION_ID] [OPTIONS]
Modes :
-ca, --client-append Client Append mode: Add maps to configuration (default)
-cx, --client-replace Client Replace mode: Replace maps of current configuration
-cr, --client-restore Client Restore original gamemodes.txt
-so, --server-output Server Output mode: Output new gamemodes_server.txt
-sa, --server-append Server Append mode: If exists, add maps to gamemodes_server.txt in working directory.
-sx, --server-replace Server Replace file mode: Create or replace example gamemodes_server.txt in working directory
Options :
-wd, --working-directory Specified a working directory
Thanks to @valeologist from https://github.com/ValveSoftware/csgo-osx-linux/issues/2025 ↩
Thanks to @Bacari et @wanko from https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=312268&page=2 ↩