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🏦 Loan Prediction Model

This machine learning project aims to build a model that predicts whether a person would default on a loan.

πŸ“Š Dataset Find the dataset used here.

πŸš€ Approach

1. Initial Steps

  • The dataset initially has 18 columns and 255,347 rows of data.
  • The LoanID column is unnecessary, so it was dropped:
    df.drop("loanid", axis=1, inplace=True)
  • Renamed column headers to lowercase and replaced spaces with underscores:
    df.columns = df.columns.str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_')
  • The target column is the default column, marked as 0 for non-defaulters and 1 for defaulters.

2. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

A. Numerical Columns Processes

  • Performed descriptive analysis using df.describe().
  • Identified outliers using the Interquartile Range (IQR) formula: IQR = Q3 - Q1.
  • Visualized data distributions with boxplots and histograms.
  • Analyzed correlations with the target column.
  • Plotted a histogram and pie chart for default status distribution: Distribution of the default status

Other considerations:

B. Categorical Columns Processes

  • Defined cat_columns for categorical data:
    cat_columns = ['education', 'employmenttype', 'maritalstatus', 'hasmortgage', 'hasdependents', 'loanpurpose', 'hascosigner']
  • Created contingency tables and performed Chi-square tests for each categorical column.
  • Visualized distributions with count plots:
    for column in cat_columns:
        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
        sns.countplot(data=df, x=column, hue='default')
        plt.title(f"Distribution of {column} by Default Status")

C. Feature Engineering

  • Added totalpayment column:
    df['totalpayment'] = df['loanamount'] * (1 + df['interestrate'] / 100) * df['loanterm'] / 12
  • Visualized distribution of totalpayment and its correlation with the target column.

D. Multivariate Analysis

  • Visualized correlations among columns: Multivariate Analysis Visualization

E. Automated EDA

  • Used AutoViz for enhanced visualization: Autoviz Sample EDA

πŸ“ˆ Conclusions from the EDA

Numerical Columns:

  1. Outliers and Distribution:

    • No outliers detected. Uniform distribution without missing values.
  2. Correlation with 'default' Column:

    • Weak negative correlations with 'age', 'income', 'creditscore', and 'monthsemployed'.
    • Weak positive correlations with 'loanamount', 'numcreditlines', 'interestrate', 'loanterm', and 'dtiratio'.
  3. Feature Engineering- Total Payment Column:

    • Introduced the 'totalpayment' column which is obtained from the formula: totalpayment= loanamount*(1+interestrate)*(loanterm/12)
  4. Multivariate Analysis:

    • Significant correlations observed between 'totalpayment' and 'loanamount', 'interestrate', 'loanterm'.

Categorical Columns:

  1. Education: Higher education levels correlate with lower default rates.
  2. Employment Type: Unemployed individuals are more likely to default.
  3. Marital Status: Married individuals show a lower default risk.
  4. Has Mortgage: Applicants with mortgages have a lower default probability.
  5. Has Dependents: Individuals with dependents are less likely to default.
  6. Loan Purpose: Business loans have a higher default likelihood.
  7. Has Cosigner: Applicants with cosigners present a lower default risk.
  8. Statistical Significance: Categorical columns exhibited significant associations with the 'default' column.
  9. Chi-Square Analysis: Supported substantial differences in frequencies, suggesting associations beyond chance.

Default Column Analysis:

  • 29,653 defaulters (11.6%) and 225,694 non-defaulters (88.4%) in the dataset. This distribution could introduce bias, favoring identification of non-defaulters.

Overall Analysis on Categorical Columns:

Individuals who are full-time employed, highly educated, and have responsibilities such as dependents and mortgages are less likely to default on loans.

πŸ”„ Modeling

πŸ“Š Data Preprocessing

Data Preprocessing Steps:

  1. Splitting Data:

    • Divided the dataset into independent columns X = df.drop('default', axis=1) and the dependent column y = df['default'].
    • Used scikit-learn to split the dataset into 70% train and 30% test:
      from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
      X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=42)
  2. Encoding and Scaling:

    • Utilized TargetEncoder to encode categorical variables and MinMaxScaler to scale numerical variables:
      from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
      from category_encoders import TargetEncoder
      from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
      categorical_variables = ['education', 'employmenttype', 'maritalstatus', 'hasmortgage', 'hasdependents', 'loanpurpose', 'hascosigner']
      numerical_variables = ['age', 'income', 'loanamount', 'creditscore', 'monthsemployed', 'numcreditlines', 'interestrate', 'loanterm', 'dtiratio']
      preprocessor = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
          ('te', TargetEncoder(min_samples_leaf=1, smoothing=10), categorical_variables),
          ('scaler', MinMaxScaler(), numerical_variables)
      ], remainder="passthrough", verbose_feature_names_out=False).set_output(transform="pandas")
  3. Saving the Preprocessor:

    • Saved the preprocessor to a pickle file for use during inference:
      import pickle
      with open('preprocessor.pkl', 'wb') as file:
          pickle.dump(preprocessor, file)

By following these preprocessing steps, the dataset is ready for building robust and scalable machine learning models. 🎯

πŸ”§ Model Training

In this section, we will explore and train the following models/algorithms:

  1. 🌳 RandomForest Classifier
  2. πŸ“ˆ Logistic Regression
  3. 🌟 Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) Classifier
  4. 🀝 K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
  5. 🧠 Gaussian Naive Bayes (GaussianNB)
  6. 🐱 CatBoostClassifier
models = {
    'RandomForest Classifier': RandomForestClassifier(random_state=42),
    'Logistic Regression': LogisticRegression(random_state=42),
    'Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) Classifier': XGBClassifier(random_state=42),
    'K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN)': KNeighborsClassifier(),
    'Gaussian Naive Bayes (GaussianNB)': GaussianNB(),
    'CatBoostClassifier': CatBoostClassifier(random_state=42, verbose=0)  # Adjust verbosity as needed

πŸ‹οΈ Training the Models

  1. Without Using Class Weights on all models.
  2. Using Class Weights on models that support it due to the imbalance in the target 'default' column (11.6% positive class). These models include: RandomForestClassifier, Logistic Regression, XGBClassifier (using scale_pos_weight), and CatBoostClassifier.

πŸ“Š Performance Metrics

We will evaluate the models based on their accuracy, recall, precision, and F1 score to choose the best model.

πŸ’Ό Business Context for KaGil Lenders (a hypothetical company):

  1. Dataset: 255,347 records collected over three years.
  2. Primary Income Source: Lending.
  3. Objective: Reduce the number of loan defaulters.

Given the model's likely better performance at identifying the negative class (non-defaulters), we focus on improving performance for the positive class (defaulters), aligning with the company’s priorities.

Precision, Recall, and F1 Score

  • Precision: Higher precision means fewer False Positives, reducing the likelihood of incorrectly classifying a non-defaulter as a defaulter.
  • Recall: Higher recall means fewer False Negatives, reducing the likelihood of incorrectly classifying a defaulter as a non-defaulter.

πŸ“ Company's Decision

KaGil Lenders prioritize minimizing loan defaults over maximizing profits. However, caution is necessary to avoid misclassifying good borrowers as defaulters.

πŸ” Summary of Training Without Applying Class Weights

XGBoost demonstrates a balanced performance:

  1. Recall: 8.57% (second highest after GaussianNB at 11.02%).
  2. Precision: 56.09% (fourth highest).
  3. F1 Score: 14.87% (second highest after GaussianNB's 16.39%).
  4. Accuracy: 88.57% (second highest after CatBoost at 88.61%).

πŸ” Summary When Applying Class Weights

Applying class weights results in significant improvements in recall:

  1. CatBoost: Balanced F1 score of 34.45%, second highest precision at 23.73% (after Random Forest at 64%), second highest recall at 62.84% (after Logistic Regression at 67.65%).
  2. Accuracy: 72.14% (second highest after Random Forest at 88.49%).

πŸ† Overall Summary on Model Training and Evaluation

  1. Without Class Weights: High precision (31% to 63%) and highest accuracies (86% to 88%). XGBoost preferred given KaGil Lenders' business model.
  2. With Class Weights: Increased recall (2.63% to 69.25%). CatBoost preferred for reducing defaults while considering profitability.

πŸ”§ Hyperparameter Tuning

  • Decided to tune XGBoost Model for its good performance with and without class weights.

Fine-tuning XGBoost Without Applying Class Weights:

  • Precision: 67.94%
  • Recall: 8.91%
  • F1 Score: 15.75%

Confusion Matrix without class weights Feature Importance graph without class weights

Fine-tuning XGBoost With Class Weights:

  • Precision: 25.05%
  • Recall: 72.13%
  • F1 Score: 37.18%

Confusion Matrix with class weights Feature Importance graph with class weights

🧩 Inferencing

Developed various tools to carry out predictions and provide better visualizations:

  1. Jupyter Notebook: You can use this notebook to perform predictions.


  2. Flask Deployment: Deployed the model on Flask and created endpoints. Tested it using Postman.


  3. Streamlit App: Developed a Streamlit app for better visualizations.


For more details on how to use the inferencing files, check out the in the inference output subfolder.


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