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kamaal111 committed Apr 20, 2024
1 parent faab0ab commit bd81bff
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Showing 12 changed files with 1,227 additions and 4,206 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .eslintignore
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@@ -1 +1,5 @@
15 changes: 0 additions & 15 deletions .github/workflows/size.yml

This file was deleted.

104 changes: 1 addition & 103 deletions
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@@ -1,103 +1 @@
# TSDX User Guide

Congrats! You just saved yourself hours of work by bootstrapping this project with TSDX. Let’s get you oriented with what’s here and how to use it.

> This TSDX setup is meant for developing libraries (not apps!) that can be published to NPM. If you’re looking to build a Node app, you could use `ts-node-dev`, plain `ts-node`, or simple `tsc`.
> If you’re new to TypeScript, checkout [this handy cheatsheet](
## Commands

TSDX scaffolds your new library inside `/src`.

To run TSDX, use:

npm start # or yarn start

This builds to `/dist` and runs the project in watch mode so any edits you save inside `src` causes a rebuild to `/dist`.

To do a one-off build, use `npm run build` or `yarn build`.

To run tests, use `npm test` or `yarn test`.

## Configuration

Code quality is set up for you with `prettier`, `husky`, and `lint-staged`. Adjust the respective fields in `package.json` accordingly.

### Jest

Jest tests are set up to run with `npm test` or `yarn test`.

### Bundle Analysis

[`size-limit`]( is set up to calculate the real cost of your library with `npm run size` and visualize the bundle with `npm run analyze`.

#### Setup Files

This is the folder structure we set up for you:

index.tsx # EDIT THIS
blah.test.tsx # EDIT THIS
package.json # EDIT THIS

### Rollup

TSDX uses [Rollup]( as a bundler and generates multiple rollup configs for various module formats and build settings. See [Optimizations](#optimizations) for details.

### TypeScript

`tsconfig.json` is set up to interpret `dom` and `esnext` types, as well as `react` for `jsx`. Adjust according to your needs.

## Continuous Integration

### GitHub Actions

Two actions are added by default:

- `main` which installs deps w/ cache, lints, tests, and builds on all pushes against a Node and OS matrix
- `size` which comments cost comparison of your library on every pull request using [`size-limit`](

## Optimizations

Please see the main `tsdx` [optimizations docs]( In particular, know that you can take advantage of development-only optimizations:

// ./types/index.d.ts
declare var __DEV__: boolean;

// inside your code...
if (__DEV__) {

You can also choose to install and use [invariant]( and [warning]( functions.

## Module Formats

CJS, ESModules, and UMD module formats are supported.

The appropriate paths are configured in `package.json` and `dist/index.js` accordingly. Please report if any issues are found.

## Named Exports

Per Palmer Group guidelines, [always use named exports.]( Code split inside your React app instead of your React library.

## Including Styles

There are many ways to ship styles, including with CSS-in-JS. TSDX has no opinion on this, configure how you like.

For vanilla CSS, you can include it at the root directory and add it to the `files` section in your `package.json`, so that it can be imported separately by your users and run through their bundler's loader.

## Publishing to NPM

We recommend using [np](
# Kamaal.ts
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions babel.config.js
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
module.exports = {
presets: [
['@babel/preset-env', { targets: { node: 'current' } }],
197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions jest.config.ts
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* For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit:

import type { Config } from 'jest';

const config: Config = {
// All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically
// automock: false,

// Stop running tests after `n` failures
// bail: 0,

// The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information
// cacheDirectory: "/private/var/folders/7w/ydjcjn_x1rgbg1jsl5xkh6dw0000gq/T/jest_dz",

// Automatically clear mock calls, instances, contexts and results before every test
clearMocks: true,

// Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test
collectCoverage: true,

// An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected
// collectCoverageFrom: undefined,

// The directory where Jest should output its coverage files
coverageDirectory: 'coverage',

// An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection
// coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [
// "/node_modules/"
// ],

// Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage
// coverageProvider: "babel",

// A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports
// coverageReporters: [
// "json",
// "text",
// "lcov",
// "clover"
// ],

// An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results
// coverageThreshold: undefined,

// A path to a custom dependency extractor
// dependencyExtractor: undefined,

// Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages
// errorOnDeprecated: false,

// The default configuration for fake timers
// fakeTimers: {
// "enableGlobally": false
// },

// Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns
// forceCoverageMatch: [],

// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites
// globalSetup: undefined,

// A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites
// globalTeardown: undefined,

// A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments
// globals: {},

// The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers.
// maxWorkers: "50%",

// An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location
// moduleDirectories: [
// "node_modules"
// ],

// An array of file extensions your modules use
// moduleFileExtensions: [
// "js",
// "mjs",
// "cjs",
// "jsx",
// "ts",
// "tsx",
// "json",
// "node"
// ],

// A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module
// moduleNameMapper: {},

// An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader
// modulePathIgnorePatterns: [],

// Activates notifications for test results
// notify: false,

// An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true }
// notifyMode: "failure-change",

// A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration
// preset: undefined,

// Run tests from one or more projects
// projects: undefined,

// Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest
// reporters: undefined,

// Automatically reset mock state before every test
// resetMocks: false,

// Reset the module registry before running each individual test
// resetModules: false,

// A path to a custom resolver
// resolver: undefined,

// Automatically restore mock state and implementation before every test
// restoreMocks: false,

// The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within
// rootDir: undefined,

// A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in
roots: ['tests'],

// Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner
// runner: "jest-runner",

// The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test
// setupFiles: [],

// A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test
// setupFilesAfterEnv: [],

// The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results.
// slowTestThreshold: 5,

// A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing
// snapshotSerializers: [],

// The test environment that will be used for testing
// testEnvironment: "jest-environment-node",

// Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment
// testEnvironmentOptions: {},

// Adds a location field to test results
// testLocationInResults: false,

// The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files
// testMatch: [
// "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)",
// "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)"
// ],

// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped
// testPathIgnorePatterns: [
// "/node_modules/"
// ],

// The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files
// testRegex: [],

// This option allows the use of a custom results processor
// testResultsProcessor: undefined,

// This option allows use of a custom test runner
// testRunner: "jest-circus/runner",

// A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers
// transform: undefined,

// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation
// transformIgnorePatterns: [
// "/node_modules/",
// "\\.pnp\\.[^\\/]+$"
// ],

// An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them
// unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined,

// Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run
// verbose: undefined,

// An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode
// watchPathIgnorePatterns: [],

// Whether to use watchman for file crawling
// watchman: true,

export default config;
34 changes: 12 additions & 22 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,13 +11,11 @@
"node": ">=21"
"scripts": {
"start": "tsdx watch",
"build": "tsdx build",
"test": "tsdx test",
"lint": "eslint src/* tests/*",
"prepare": "husky && tsdx build",
"size": "size-limit",
"analyze": "size-limit --why"
"build": "tsc",
"test": "jest",
"lint": "eslint src/index.ts src/**/*.ts tests/*",
"prepare": "husky",
"prepublish": "rm -rf dist && yarn build"
"peerDependencies": {},
"prettier": {
Expand All @@ -28,31 +26,23 @@
"name": "kamaal",
"author": "Kamaal Farah",
"module": "dist/kamaal.esm.js",
"size-limit": [
"path": "dist/kamaal.cjs.production.min.js",
"limit": "10 KB"
"path": "dist/kamaal.esm.js",
"limit": "10 KB"
"devDependencies": {
"@size-limit/preset-small-lib": "^11.1.2",
"@babel/core": "^7.24.4",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.24.4",
"@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.24.1",
"@stylistic/eslint-plugin-js": "^1.7.2",
"@types/jest": "^29.5.12",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^7.7.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^7.7.0",
"babel-jest": "^29.7.0",
"eslint": "^8.0.1",
"eslint-config-standard-with-typescript": "^43.0.1",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.25.2",
"eslint-plugin-n": "^15.0.0 || ^16.0.0 ",
"eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.0.0",
"husky": "^9.0.11",
"size-limit": "^11.1.2",
"tsdx": "^0.14.1",
"tslib": "^2.6.2",
"jest": "^29.7.0",
"ts-node": "^10.9.2",
"typescript": "~5.3"
"resolutions": {}
Expand Down
8 changes: 2 additions & 6 deletions src/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,2 @@
export const sum = (a: number, b: number): number => {
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {
return a + b;
export * from './module1';
export * from './module2';

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