- 🎓 Computer networking student
- 💻 Learning C and passionate about Linux and security in general
- 👾 Privacy architect
- 🛜 Loves tinkering stuff mostly computers
- Programming: C, Python, Bash, Rust, JavaScript
- Tools: Git, SSH, Docker, Hyprland, Arch Linux
- Security: Network security, Penetration testing, Blue Team, OSINT
- 🎨 Colorscheme: Catppuccin Mocha & Catppuccin Macchiato
- 🖋️ Font: JetBrains Mono
- 🛸 Trying hard to not get replaced by Ai
- 🖥️ EndeavourOS
- 🐧 Arch Linux
- 🏆 CachyOS
- ⚙️ AthenaOS
- 🐧 Debian