Npm and Yarn versions are always the latest availible at build time.
Each built image has information about its version in a file called KTH_NODEJS
. To look into this files content run:
az login
az acr login -n kthregistry
docker run cat /KTH_NODEJS
Based on: node:16-alpine
Build date: Thu Apr 28 13:55:46 UTC 2022
Node: v18.0.0
NPM: 8.6.0
Yarn: 1.22.18
--- Default global packages ---
+-- [email protected]
+-- [email protected]
`-- [email protected]
By default there will always be 2 tags to every build. The first tag contains date of the build, buildversion and 4 first chars from that builds commit sha. the second is "latest" there will always only one latest version, replacing the previous version. This will provide a linear insight in the build history.
The image also contains build information from when the operating system was built. This information is located in the root in a file called KTH_OS
run: docker run cat /KTH_NODEJS
. to view your image, and make sure you are logged in to the ACR as mentioned above.
Alpine version: 3.15.4
Build date: Thu Apr 28 13:55:45 UTC 2022
There is a schedule for nightly build. New builds are scheduled for 5 times a week. Builds are also automated to trigger when the code in main branch is updated,