Service that takes location data from foursquare check-ins and warns users if bad weather is forecast in the area.
App Overview
This app should be able to do the following when done.
- Pull the location from a check-in
- Pull the Lat and Long from this location
- Using the Lat and Long contact NOAA
- Get the forcast from NOAA
- Use either Twellio or e-mail to send the forcast to you.
- Python 2.7
- Twillio API Library - pip install twillio
- Foursquare API Library - pip install foursquare
- Postgres / Postgis
Installation Instructions
- git clone repository
- cd repository folder
- virtualenv .
- . bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python
To DO (roughly in order of priority)
- Foursquare API prototype
- NOAA Data examples
- Twilio Messaging Script
- Look into using OAuth2 to simplify login process
- Setup SQLAlchemy with a POstgresDB
- Create alert model for db
- Create alert view for flask