Releases: JuliaSmoothOptimizers/AMD.jl
Releases · JuliaSmoothOptimizers/AMD.jl
AMD v0.5.3
Merged pull requests:
- [documentation] Update Documenter.jl (#71) (@amontoison)
- SS_Int should be a const (#72) (@amontoison)
- Release 0.5.3 (#73) (@amontoison)
AMD v0.5.2
Closed issues:
- Precompilation fails on x86 with Julia 1.10+ (#66)
Merged pull requests:
- Test AMD.jl on a 32-bits Linux (#67) (@amontoison)
- Release 0.5.2 (#68) (@amontoison)
AMD v0.5.1
Closed issues:
- Consolidate CCOLAMD wrapper from IncrementalInference.jl? (#36)
- what is the difference between matlab’s colamd and AMD's colamd (#55)
Merged pull requests:
- use push_preview = true in deploydocs (#58) (@dpo)
- Update ci (#59) (@dpo)
- Generate wrappers with SuiteSparse_jll (#61) (@amontoison)
- Update CI files (#62) (@amontoison)
- Release 0.5.1 (#64) (@amontoison)
- [CI] Remove Linux ARMv8 (#65) (@amontoison)
AMD v0.5.0
Merged pull requests:
- AMD benchmarks (#34) (@dpo)
- Add SymRCM in the benchmarks (#35) (@amontoison)
- use GitHub Actions (#37) (@amontoison)
- Adding the necessary files to benchmark AMD.jl (#38) (@MonssafToukal)
- small fixes to run_benchmarks (#39) (@dpo)
- Update CI, TagBot and documentation workflows (#40) (@JSOBot)
- Update CI, TagBot and documentation workflows (#42) (@JSOBot)
- [AUTO] Change master to main (#44) (@abelsiqueira)
- [AUTO] Fix docs to use main (#45) (@abelsiqueira)
- Improve the tests of AMD.jl (#46) (@amontoison)
- Add badges for doc and citation (#48) (@tmigot)
- Add citation.cff (#49) (@tmigot)
- Add amd, colamd and symamd methods for Hermitian wrapper (#51) (@amontoison)
- bump version to 0.5.0 (#53) (@dpo)
AMD v0.4.0
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
- Julia 1.3, FreeBSD, badge (#26) (@dpo)
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#27) (@JuliaTagBot)
- update CI scripts (#28) (@dpo)
- Add SYMAMD (#31) (@amontoison)
- bump version to 0.4.0 (#32) (@dpo)
Add using Pkg on travis and appveyor
support Julia 0.7
v0.2.0 Condition use of Clong and Clonglong