PythonCall v0.3.0
Closed issues:
- Todo list (#1)
- Precompile statements (and error) (#13)
- Rely less on PyRef (#14)
- How can we mix Python and Julia code without relying on finalizers? (#15)
- Remove lazy functionality from PyObject (#16)
- Reloading code (#17)
- Faster Py_IncRef/Py_DecRef (#18)
- Preload C API pointers (#19)
- DSL avoid checking embedded Python objects (#20)
- _type_lb and _type_ub are wrong (#21)
- Make it so tryconvert rules can assume S is a DataType (#22)
- Error when getting columns on PyPandasDataFrame (#23)
- PythonCall/juliacall doesn't work in conda environment (#25)
- Doesn't work on 1.7.0-beta2 or 1.8 (#26)
- Error when calling Julia function defined in module (#27)
- Don't understand how to pass numpy arrays to Julia function (#28)
- Serialise NULL to Nothing (#33)
- Serialising traceback objects (#34)
- Is rewrite complete now ? (#37)