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audit 👂
audit :ear:
crazy idea 🤯
crazy idea :exploding_head:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
documentation 📖
documentation :book:
duplicate 2️⃣
duplicate :two:
enhancement 💪
enhancement :muscle:
freebsd 😈
freebsd :smiling_imp:
hacktoberfest 🍺
hacktoberfest :beer:
help wanted 🆘
help wanted :sos:
invalid ⛔
invalid :no_entry:
jll wrappers 🌯
jll wrappers :burrito:
linux 🐧
linux :penguin:
macos 🍎
macos :apple:
question ❔
question :grey_question:
reproducibility 🪞
reproducibility :mirror:
risc-v 5️⃣
risc-v :five:
rust 🦀
rust :crab:
toolchain 🔧 ⛓️
toolchain :wrench: :chains:
up for grabs
up for grabs
Relatively easy issue, good to get acquainted with the code
upstream ⬆️
upstream :arrow_up:
windows 🪟
windows :window:
wizard 🧙
wizard :mage:
wontfix 🙅
wontfix :no_good: