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Backend Project with TypeScript and MySQL

This project is a backend application developed using TypeScript and MySQL. It provides a simple API for managing users, allowing for the creation, updating, deletion, and retrieval of user information.

Database diagram

tattoo studio reverse engineer


To get started with the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Run npm install to install all the necessary dependencies.
  3. Configure the MySQL database connection in the config.ts file.
  4. Run the database migration scripts to set up the required tables.


The API provides the following endpoints:

  • POST /users: Create a new user.
  • GET /users/:id: Retrieve a user by their ID.
  • PUT /users/:id: Update an existing user.
  • DELETE /users/:id: Delete a user by their ID.

Make sure to handle the error cases and validation properly.

Technologies Used

Project Structure

The project structure is organized as follows:

/src /controllers /models /routes /config /middlewares server.ts /migrations /tests /node_modules package.json tsconfig.json

Running the Application

To run the application, use the following command:

npm start

This will start the server and allow you to make requests to the provided endpoints.

Testing (still in development)

To run the tests, execute the following command:

npm test





    • POST http://localhost:3000/client/register
          "name": "Jose",
          "surname": "Garcia",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "password": "1234"

    Permite registrar un nuevo cliente.


    • POST http://localhost:3000/client/login
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "password": "1234"

    Permite que un cliente inicie sesión.

  • PROFILE (Requires Auth: user)

    • GET http://localhost:3000/client/profile Obtiene el perfil del cliente actual.
  • UPDATE (Requires Auth: user)

    • PUT http://localhost:3000/client/update
          "name": "Jose",
          "surname": "Garcia",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "password": "1234"

    Permite actualizar la información del cliente.

  • GET APPOINTMENT (Requires Auth)

    • GET http://localhost:3000/client/appointment/:id Obtiene la cita del cliente con el ID especificado.



    • POST http://localhost:3000/artist/login
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "password": "1234"

    Permite que un artista inicie sesión.

  • PROFILE (Requires Auth: admin)

    • GET http://localhost:3000/artist/profile Obtiene el perfil del artista actual.
  • UPDATE (Requires Auth: admin)

    • PUT http://localhost:3000/artist/update
          "name": "Jose",
          "surname": "Garcia",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "password": "1234"

    Permite actualizar la información del artista.

  • GET APPOINTMENT (Requires Auth: admin)

    • GET http://localhost:3000/client/appointment/:id Obtiene la cita del artista con el ID especificado.
  • GET ALL ARTIST (Requires Auth: user)

    • GET http://localhost:3000/artist/all Obtiene todos los artistas disponibles.

Super Admin

  • REGISTER (Requires Auth: super admin)

    • POST http://localhost:3000/artist/register
          "name": "Jose",
          "surname": "Garcia",
          "email": "[email protected]",
          "password": "1234"

    Permite registrar un nuevo artista como un super administrador.

  • GET ALL CLIENTS (Requires Auth: super admin)

    • GET http://localhost:3000/artist/clients Obtiene todos los clientes registrados.
  • UPDATE ROLE & ACTIVATION OF ARTIST (Requires Auth: super admin)

    • PUT http://localhost:3000/artist/update_admin
          "id": 1,
          "role": "admin",
          "is_active": true

    Permite actualizar el rol y la activación de un artista.

  • UPDATE ACCOUNT ACTIVATION OF CLIENT (Requires Auth: super admin)

    • PUT http://localhost:3000/artist/update_admin_client
          "id": 1,
          "is_active": true

    Permite actualizar la activación de la cuenta de un cliente.


  • CREATE (Requires Auth: user)

    • POST http://localhost:3000/appointments/create
          "client_id": "1",
          "artist_id": "1",
          "date": "2023-11-28 18:00:00"

    Permite crear una nueva cita.

  • UPDATE (Requires Auth: user)

    • PUT http://localhost:3000/appointments/update/:id
          "artist_id": "1",
          "status": "0",
          "date": "2023-11-28 18:00:00"

    Permite actualizar la información de una cita.

  • DELETE (Requires Auth: user)

    • DELETE http://localhost:3000/appointments/delete
          "id": "1"

    Permite eliminar una cita existente.


  • CREATE (Requires Auth: admin)

    • POST http://localhost:3000/portfolio/create
          "artist_id": "1",
          "image": "url"

    Permite crear una nueva imagen en la galería.

  • UPDATE (Requires Auth: admin)

    • PUT http://localhost:3000/portfolio/update/:id
          "image": "url"

    Permite actualizar la información de una imagen en la galería.

  • GET ALL IMAGES (Requires Auth: user)

    • GET http://localhost:3000/portfolio/all Obtiene todas las imágenes disponibles en la galería.
  • DELETE (Requires Auth: admin)

    • DELETE http://localhost:3000/portfolio/delete
          "id": "1"

    Permite eliminar una imagen de la galería.

  • SEEDER (Script that creates examples to fill the database, INSTALL npm install --save-dev ts-node (if not installed before))

    • npm run seed


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


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