Source code :
Launch bootstrap.bat to create project through makefile and create basic directory
layout, preferably from a console terminal.
To generate the Visual Studio project, launch generate_project.bat.
Note: it defaults to CMake installed with Visual Studio 2022. Change the CMake executable
location at your need inside the generate_project.bat file.
When loading the first time, there will be multiple windows with random sizes.
One of them is the renderer showing the actual demo.
Move/resize the windows around as you like!
To properly execute the application from Visual Studio:
- In Solution Explorer window, right click on devgames_2024 project and left click on 'set as startup project'
- Again in Solution Explorer window, right click on devgames_2024 projectg and left click on 'properties'. Under the Debugging properties, change the Working Directory to $(TargetDir). This will ensure that the executable is run from the devcon2024 bin directory correctly.